Saturday, 27 April 2024

Lesson 5 Review: Faith Against All Odds

Lesson 5 Faith Against All Odds


Memory Text: “Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You” (Psalm 119:11, NKJV).

Holding firm to the truth will help us to be different especially in the darkest moment of life, Understanding these eternal truths we must be a reformers of this Generation who will share the good news (Gospel) to the people who are willing and ready to be saved.

In what ways have the Scriptures comforted you in times of trial?

The Reformers saturated their minds with Scripture, They lived by the Word, and many of them died because of the Word. The translation of the scriptures was to reach out to the world that the world should no longer continue in darkness but in the light of God's word that no man may have excuses to give.

what work of faith did apostle Paul give for the time of persecution? 

the early age reformers such as John Wycliffe at all costs despite being under the influence of evil attacks was able to bring the word of God to a simplest meaning, we too have a serious Reformation in our lives, we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth”.

why should we seek  the Holy spirit in our daily lives?

the Holy Spirit which also refers to the comforter which inspires the writers of the Bible helps the believers to get the proper interpretation of the word of God, without the Holy Spirit life is miserable, the Holy Spirit guides us through the path that leads to righteousness. Even in the last days of Earth's history we need the Holy Spirit to cause serious Reformation in our lives and the world at large.

if we are saved by grace, does it involve works of faith? 

for ye are saved by grace not of works lest any man should boast, this is Paul's warning to every Christian Generation letting everyone to know who they are that Christ's perfection makes us to be perfect and Christ's righteousness is ours. Apart from that we could not meet up with the heavenly standards of righteousness thus Christ and grace is the center of Christian Hope.

Does the grace of God makes obedience void?

we are in the battlefield fighting for victory, we can't conquer evil unless we fight against it. during the reformers age the people, despite persecution, gave up their best to make sure the light of God's word reaches everywhere. When they were driven from their homes, they looked for a city whose builder and maker is God and they preferred to obey God rather than man.

what are the dangers of misunderstanding "salvation by grace"?

We encourage the people to withstand valiantly before the throne of the Lord, by faith and prayer so that our enemies vanquished by the Spirit of God, may be strengthened by peace. Lack of Bible study leads to the dangers of Bible ignorance. There is no excuse for anyone who fails to believe or know how God works out the plan of salvation in their lives.

In Conclusion,

The battle between good and evil is on the scale of life, our patraichs and prophets had laid the foundation believing that we too as well should follow. The Lord did not forsake His people and even in this time, the Holy Spirit helps us to stand firm and never to deviate from the path of eternal life. In every age there are people who will stand for Christ till His glorious return, may we be among these people in Jesus' name.

Saturday, 20 April 2024

Lesson 4 Review: Standing for the Truth

Lesson 4 Standing for the Truth


Memory Text: And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life’ ” (John 3:14-15, NKJV).

In the early centuries they were Faithful Christians who bore Christ in them and in their hearts, the waldensian reformers such as Jerome and Huss remained faithful amidst persecution and trials. It is also our time to prove our superior aligence to our Creator.

How has fulfilled Bible prophecy strengthened your faith?

God’s people found a place prepared for them by God. In life’s greatest challenges, God always prepares a place for His faithful followers. During the times of their trial, His people find refuge in His love and care, if it is the will of God for us to pass through trials certainly we will but He will never leave us comfortless.

What promise does God give those who are faithful to Him in the face of death itself?

God's blessings and promises is great beyond human understanding, The crown of life is presented to those who endured trials, difficulties, suffering, and death itself for Christ’s sake. it's not fiction or a mere story but is an event that will take place at Christ's appearance when coming to judge and reward.

During Trials and Persecution, How and where are we to find courage?

If we see through the eyes of love, the Calvary was not a better place for our Lord Jesus to be but for love's sake He surrendered himself to set us free. Also, as the early apostle who pass through persecution didn't deny their lives but rather gave everything to obtain eternal reward that brings courage to us who look forward to Canaan City by faith to stand still.

what counsel did Paul state in the Bible Regarding sharing the word of God? 

A soldier's aim and hope in the battle Field is fight the war and becomes victorious, more so to the Christian's soldier. We must overcome the fight of the great controversy without any form of Selfishness for God, we must bear witness of service holy or unholy.

What might it mean to lose everything for Christ? 

our eyes have not seen it all nor our ears heard it all of what our Lord Jesus Christ has kept in store for us, no one has ever served God in vain or has God withheld His blessings from anybody that He will not bless. If we loose our lives we will have it more abundantly. we have nothing to hold back in this life we are to give to our master Jesus everything for He will Reward us bountifully.

In Conclusion,

God permitted great light to shine upon the minds of these chosen men, revealing to them many of the errors of Rome; but they did not receive all the light that was to be given to the world. and in the last days like this He has chosen us to the light bearer that men will not have any excuses to offer. despite the devil's attacks the truth must be and the gate of hell shall not prevail in Jesus' name.

Monday, 15 April 2024

Lesson 3 Review: Light Shines in the Darkness


Lesson 3 Light Shines in the Darkness

Memory Text: “Then Jesus said to them, ‘A little while longer the light is with you. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you; he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going’ ” (John 12:35, NKJV).

Undoubtedly, the devil is a deceiver trying to turn the hearts of God's people to the image that is contrary to God's purpose. the last book of the Bible (Revelation) exposed the works of the adversary and thus the children of God must be ready to withstand his deception.

How did deception creep into the church?

In the earlier centuries, when Christ began his ministry the Pharisees, and Sadducees were all alert of the coming Messiah but when they saw their Saviour they rejected Him because it wasn't up to their expectations. thus by so doing it paves the way for deception to come into the church and into their hearts.

In what ways does Satan want to change God's words?

Satan is a liar and the father of lies. He is prepared to use lies, deceit, misinformation, and a distortion of the truth to lead God’s people astray, while God is the foundation of truth and everything about Him is true and He wants His children to abide in Truth to oppose the works of Satan.

what warning of deception did Apostle Paul give out to the churches?

The purpose of Paul’s counsel was to prepare the church for what was coming. Heresies would enter the church, and False doctrines would be substituted for divine truths. Satan through the leadership of his agents has been able to change the truth of God's way of worship and truth into the beautiful way of falsehood.

in these last days, what should be our safeguard?

since the Bible is God's word and was written for us then we are to take every portion of God's word seriously in our lives, in other to overcome temptation, The whole Bible must be accepted as the Word of God. Otherwise, the door is wide open for deception.

What do these lessons reveal about Satan’s strategy of deception?

God has not left us alone on our journey from earth to heaven, The Holy Spirit points us to the sacred Scriptures that lead us homeward. There may be a way that seems right to us, or even to entire cultures, but it may be totally wrong in the eyes of God. So by knowing and applying the scriptures in our hearts, Satan Will be unable to deceive us.

How can we overcome the devil in our minds?

The battle between Christ and Satan is a battle for the minds of men, Satan’s principal work is to blind or darken men’s minds. The gospel is the only means by which Satan's works, schemes, and deceptions can be exposed, and by which men can see the way from darkness to light, Jesus is at the heart of the gospel and is the center of the Scriptures.

In Conclusion,

The same spirit of hatred and opposition to the truth has inspired the enemies of God in every age, and the same vigilance and fidelity have been required in His servants. The words of Christ to the first disciples apply to His followers to the close of time. if we follow God sincerely then we'll be transformed by His power, and motivated by His love. Even death could not break their bond of loyalty to Christ and will not break ours either in Jesus' name.

Saturday, 6 April 2024

Lesson 2 Review: The Central Issue: Love or Selfishness

Lesson 2 The Central Issue: Love or Selfishness


Memory Text: “ ‘ “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” ’ ” (Isaiah 41:10, NKJV).

It was in the disciples' interest to know what would happen at the later end of the world, when Jesus said this shocking prophecy the multitude ignored its meaning but it kept on ringing in the ears of the disciples. so it is to us who hear the word of God, how do we implement it in our daily lives?

what is Satan's agenda in the last days?

as the world is fast approaching its end, Satan and his angels are luring all men to rebel against God so that they might face the penalty of disobedience, Satan is looking forward to making everyone be at his side in order to lose the saving power of God.

In what way do we reject salvation ignorantly?

Jesus' sermon on the Mount of Olive is the same as an open-air Evangelism where the preacher sends out warnings and the message echoes loudly yet the people with doubted minds are like the Jewish Christians who saw Christ and rejected Him.

What does the Bible tell us about God's providential Care?

yeah in the last days, in the time of Troubles shall Michael the great war Lord shall stand for everyone whose heart is full of the Word of God and remains unshakeable, these are they that fear nothing but Christ alone. God will provide us with a fountain of living water that flows from above and His word shall spread abroad.

What can we learn from the early Christians that could help us too in the last days?

Throughout the early centuries of Christianity, the Christian church grew rapidly, despite imprisonment, torture, and persecution.

Undoubtedly, following Christ comes with pains but there's hope and joy in the hearts of Faithful believers, totally committed to Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit, proclaimed His word.

What role does the church have to play in the last days?

In the great controversy raging in the universe, the devil wants to change the image of God in humanity. The purpose of the gospel is to restore the image of God in humanity. This restoration includes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing and this role can be done through Evangelism of two by two and door-to-door.

Why should love be the basis of a Christian foundation?

One of the greatest revelations of God’s love was demonstrated when two diseases struck the early centuries, most of our brother Christians showed unbounded love and loyalty, never sparing themselves and thinking only of one another and cheerfully accepting their pains.

In Conclusion,

Faith filled the disciples' hearts. One glimpse of their resurrected Lord changed their lives. Jesus gave them a new reason for living. Our Lord had not only given them the Great Commission but also the great promise, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth’. with this alone, we are satisfied with the hope of His divine calling in our lives in Jesus' name.

Wednesday, 3 April 2024

Lesson 1 Review: The War Behind all Wars

Lesson 1 The War Behind all Wars


Memory Text: “And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer” (Revelation 12:7-8 NKJV) 

In this week’s and quarter's lesson, we will explore the age-long conflict between good and evil. Beginning with Lucifer’s rebellion in heaven, we will examine the origin of evil and God’s long-suffering in dealing with the sin problem.

If God is so good, How can a God of love allow so much evil to exist?

It is interesting to know that God didn't create anything evil or that would bring pain and suffering to humanity, rather it was The Will of God that man should experience a peaceful and quiet environment, until the seed of corruption was sown by our first parents.

Did a loving God create a demonic angel who initiated this war?

Ezekiel's response to this question is in Ezekiel 28:15. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee. Undoubtedly no, not at all, God didn't create Lucifer to be this way, his heart of obedience was changed to be stubborn with His Creator, and pride swept him away.

What brings about this war in Heaven?

when God said let us make man in our image, Lucifer felt embarrassed and unrecognized. Lucifer felt that God cheated on him or that his value wasn't Worth being, but God didn't reason it that way, Lucifer was the Chief of all the angels in heaven but he wasn't satisfied with his position rather he wanted the angels to worship him.

What does this passage reveal about Satan’s ability to deceive?

It should not be a surprise to us as Christians when seeing the whole world under the dart and attacks of the devil, if the devil could deceive his fellow beings in heaven then we are nothing to him. God has called His people to respond to His love and be obedient to His commands by choosing to serve Him.

What was the nature of this war in heaven? Was it a physical war?

war is not only when weapons and harmful objects are involved, it could be within the mind struggling with the decision to take or of whom to obey, one thing is certain about the war in heaven. Every angel had to decide for or against Christ. This war obviously includes some kind of physical element.

Does the devil still fight war today?

The devil is still in the process of fighting war today. The world is involved, be it in Christendom, politically, socially, in the marital home, in school and otherwise and the pains of disobedience are in the hearts of everyone who lives under the sun. Still, God's word gives us assurance of victory for the battles fought.

Why do you think Christ sacrificed Himself for us?

the character of God will give us a clearer understanding of this question, God is love and so is His nature. The plan of salvation was made and the sacrifice was provided before the foundation of the world when man sinned, it wasn't a surprise to God rather the promise of His son was made to eliminate and put an end to sin problems.

How did Christ answer Satan’s charges on the cross?

On the cross the devil and his angels claim he had won the battles, little did he know that Christ's death is to bring life to the dying world. On the resurrection morning, Christ rose up with Victory, and powers and authority were given to Him to bring Satan under His feet and subject of destruction. Christ's death weakened the Powers of Satan in the Lives of God's children.

In Conclusion,

God has done everything possible for man to be saved, the idea of the cross is the result of the stubbornness and fall of man at the beginning of creation, instead of the law to change or cease God provides the required sacrifice to be made for the whole world. The cross symbolically means suffering and pains, instead of the law changing or ceasing to exist, God provides His son to cover up the gap, God wants us to be saved and He is still making out ways so that we may be saved to His kingdom in Jesus' name.

2nd Quarter of 2024 Sabbath School Study Guide Introduction

2nd Quarter of 2024 Sabbath School Study Guide Introduction

The theme for the Sabbath School Study Guide for the third quarter of 2024 is "The Great Controversy". The great controversy began in heaven with Lucifer's rebellion against God. At the heart of this cosmic conflict is the issue of God's love. is he fully loving? does he have the interests of his creatures in view? or is he an authoritative dictator desiring only what is in His own selfish interest? 

This quarter's lessons Trace world history from God's viewpoint, as prophecy reveals it, from the time of Christ down through the centuries to our day and beyond. 

Though the basis of this quarter's lessons is the Bible, we will use the book The Great Controversy, by Ellen G. White, as our thematic outline in studying this tremendous topic.

Here are the weekly topics for this quarter:





The War Behind All Wars

Mar 10 – Apr 05


The Central Issue: Love or Selfishness?

Apr 06 – Apr 12


Light Shines in the Darkness

Apr 13 – Apr 19


Standing for the Truth

Apr 20 – Apr 26


Faith Against All Odds

Apr 27 – May 03


The Two Witnesses

May 04 – May 10


Motivated by Hope

May 11 – May 17


Light From the Sanctuary

May 18 – May 24


The Foundation of God's Government

May 25 – May 31


Spiritualism Exposed

Jun 01 – Jun 07


The Impending Conflict

Jun 08 – Jun 14


Earths Closing Events

Jun 15 – Jun 21


The Triumph of God's Love

Jun 22 – Jun 28