Wednesday, 3 April 2024

Lesson 1 Review: The War Behind all Wars

Lesson 1 The War Behind all Wars


Memory Text: “And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer” (Revelation 12:7-8 NKJV) 

In this week’s and quarter's lesson, we will explore the age-long conflict between good and evil. Beginning with Lucifer’s rebellion in heaven, we will examine the origin of evil and God’s long-suffering in dealing with the sin problem.

If God is so good, How can a God of love allow so much evil to exist?

It is interesting to know that God didn't create anything evil or that would bring pain and suffering to humanity, rather it was The Will of God that man should experience a peaceful and quiet environment, until the seed of corruption was sown by our first parents.

Did a loving God create a demonic angel who initiated this war?

Ezekiel's response to this question is in Ezekiel 28:15. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee. Undoubtedly no, not at all, God didn't create Lucifer to be this way, his heart of obedience was changed to be stubborn with His Creator, and pride swept him away.

What brings about this war in Heaven?

when God said let us make man in our image, Lucifer felt embarrassed and unrecognized. Lucifer felt that God cheated on him or that his value wasn't Worth being, but God didn't reason it that way, Lucifer was the Chief of all the angels in heaven but he wasn't satisfied with his position rather he wanted the angels to worship him.

What does this passage reveal about Satan’s ability to deceive?

It should not be a surprise to us as Christians when seeing the whole world under the dart and attacks of the devil, if the devil could deceive his fellow beings in heaven then we are nothing to him. God has called His people to respond to His love and be obedient to His commands by choosing to serve Him.

What was the nature of this war in heaven? Was it a physical war?

war is not only when weapons and harmful objects are involved, it could be within the mind struggling with the decision to take or of whom to obey, one thing is certain about the war in heaven. Every angel had to decide for or against Christ. This war obviously includes some kind of physical element.

Does the devil still fight war today?

The devil is still in the process of fighting war today. The world is involved, be it in Christendom, politically, socially, in the marital home, in school and otherwise and the pains of disobedience are in the hearts of everyone who lives under the sun. Still, God's word gives us assurance of victory for the battles fought.

Why do you think Christ sacrificed Himself for us?

the character of God will give us a clearer understanding of this question, God is love and so is His nature. The plan of salvation was made and the sacrifice was provided before the foundation of the world when man sinned, it wasn't a surprise to God rather the promise of His son was made to eliminate and put an end to sin problems.

How did Christ answer Satan’s charges on the cross?

On the cross the devil and his angels claim he had won the battles, little did he know that Christ's death is to bring life to the dying world. On the resurrection morning, Christ rose up with Victory, and powers and authority were given to Him to bring Satan under His feet and subject of destruction. Christ's death weakened the Powers of Satan in the Lives of God's children.

In Conclusion,

God has done everything possible for man to be saved, the idea of the cross is the result of the stubbornness and fall of man at the beginning of creation, instead of the law to change or cease God provides the required sacrifice to be made for the whole world. The cross symbolically means suffering and pains, instead of the law changing or ceasing to exist, God provides His son to cover up the gap, God wants us to be saved and He is still making out ways so that we may be saved to His kingdom in Jesus' name.

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