Saturday, 20 April 2024

Lesson 4 Review: Standing for the Truth

Lesson 4 Standing for the Truth


Memory Text: And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life’ ” (John 3:14-15, NKJV).

In the early centuries they were Faithful Christians who bore Christ in them and in their hearts, the waldensian reformers such as Jerome and Huss remained faithful amidst persecution and trials. It is also our time to prove our superior aligence to our Creator.

How has fulfilled Bible prophecy strengthened your faith?

God’s people found a place prepared for them by God. In life’s greatest challenges, God always prepares a place for His faithful followers. During the times of their trial, His people find refuge in His love and care, if it is the will of God for us to pass through trials certainly we will but He will never leave us comfortless.

What promise does God give those who are faithful to Him in the face of death itself?

God's blessings and promises is great beyond human understanding, The crown of life is presented to those who endured trials, difficulties, suffering, and death itself for Christ’s sake. it's not fiction or a mere story but is an event that will take place at Christ's appearance when coming to judge and reward.

During Trials and Persecution, How and where are we to find courage?

If we see through the eyes of love, the Calvary was not a better place for our Lord Jesus to be but for love's sake He surrendered himself to set us free. Also, as the early apostle who pass through persecution didn't deny their lives but rather gave everything to obtain eternal reward that brings courage to us who look forward to Canaan City by faith to stand still.

what counsel did Paul state in the Bible Regarding sharing the word of God? 

A soldier's aim and hope in the battle Field is fight the war and becomes victorious, more so to the Christian's soldier. We must overcome the fight of the great controversy without any form of Selfishness for God, we must bear witness of service holy or unholy.

What might it mean to lose everything for Christ? 

our eyes have not seen it all nor our ears heard it all of what our Lord Jesus Christ has kept in store for us, no one has ever served God in vain or has God withheld His blessings from anybody that He will not bless. If we loose our lives we will have it more abundantly. we have nothing to hold back in this life we are to give to our master Jesus everything for He will Reward us bountifully.

In Conclusion,

God permitted great light to shine upon the minds of these chosen men, revealing to them many of the errors of Rome; but they did not receive all the light that was to be given to the world. and in the last days like this He has chosen us to the light bearer that men will not have any excuses to offer. despite the devil's attacks the truth must be and the gate of hell shall not prevail in Jesus' name.

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