Monday, 15 April 2024

Lesson 3 Review: Light Shines in the Darkness


Lesson 3 Light Shines in the Darkness

Memory Text: “Then Jesus said to them, ‘A little while longer the light is with you. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you; he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going’ ” (John 12:35, NKJV).

Undoubtedly, the devil is a deceiver trying to turn the hearts of God's people to the image that is contrary to God's purpose. the last book of the Bible (Revelation) exposed the works of the adversary and thus the children of God must be ready to withstand his deception.

How did deception creep into the church?

In the earlier centuries, when Christ began his ministry the Pharisees, and Sadducees were all alert of the coming Messiah but when they saw their Saviour they rejected Him because it wasn't up to their expectations. thus by so doing it paves the way for deception to come into the church and into their hearts.

In what ways does Satan want to change God's words?

Satan is a liar and the father of lies. He is prepared to use lies, deceit, misinformation, and a distortion of the truth to lead God’s people astray, while God is the foundation of truth and everything about Him is true and He wants His children to abide in Truth to oppose the works of Satan.

what warning of deception did Apostle Paul give out to the churches?

The purpose of Paul’s counsel was to prepare the church for what was coming. Heresies would enter the church, and False doctrines would be substituted for divine truths. Satan through the leadership of his agents has been able to change the truth of God's way of worship and truth into the beautiful way of falsehood.

in these last days, what should be our safeguard?

since the Bible is God's word and was written for us then we are to take every portion of God's word seriously in our lives, in other to overcome temptation, The whole Bible must be accepted as the Word of God. Otherwise, the door is wide open for deception.

What do these lessons reveal about Satan’s strategy of deception?

God has not left us alone on our journey from earth to heaven, The Holy Spirit points us to the sacred Scriptures that lead us homeward. There may be a way that seems right to us, or even to entire cultures, but it may be totally wrong in the eyes of God. So by knowing and applying the scriptures in our hearts, Satan Will be unable to deceive us.

How can we overcome the devil in our minds?

The battle between Christ and Satan is a battle for the minds of men, Satan’s principal work is to blind or darken men’s minds. The gospel is the only means by which Satan's works, schemes, and deceptions can be exposed, and by which men can see the way from darkness to light, Jesus is at the heart of the gospel and is the center of the Scriptures.

In Conclusion,

The same spirit of hatred and opposition to the truth has inspired the enemies of God in every age, and the same vigilance and fidelity have been required in His servants. The words of Christ to the first disciples apply to His followers to the close of time. if we follow God sincerely then we'll be transformed by His power, and motivated by His love. Even death could not break their bond of loyalty to Christ and will not break ours either in Jesus' name.

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