Sunday, 18 February 2024

Where Faith Comes In

 Habakkuk 2:4 – “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith.”

Do you want to know what faith really is? Just look at what Christianity is about. None living in the 21st century was alive when Christ was on earth but every Christian living in the 21st century believe that He lived, died and resurrected for our sins. None living in the 21st century witnessed those miraculous events written in the Bible, but every Christian living in the 21st century is expected to believe that they happened.

 Atheism results from a person’s refusal to believe or in other words have faith in the supreme God. We regularly hear that there is God who created all things, but the famous question from Atheists remain, “How do you know?”.

That is even the more reason why every sacrifice or service given to God must be backed up with faith, because we may not get so close to seeing God as Moses was. Here is where faith comes in.

If we look to physical things to live uprightly, to get the great reward, we may not end well. The fact remains that there are elements available to support every choice one makes. That is to say, if you believe in God you will certainly find reasons to believe in God the more, if you believe there is no God, though the reasons to believe God remain, you will still find reasons to believe there is no God.

The aspect that so requires our exercising of faith is in receiving something from God. Of course, we need God’s protection, blessings, peace, love and more specifically, we need God’s salvation, but do we have faith in the One you expect these things from.

Salvation is received by faith, but pretty much everything has to do with our faith. Even if your faith is as small as a mustard you can say to the mountain to move and it will (Matthew 17:20). Here is where faith comes in. The question comes, how often do we let faith come in?

The just shall live by faith (Hab. 2:4) does not denote a one-time event, the expression portrays a way of life. If we must be God’s people we must live by faith, only then can we please God (Heb. 11:6).

This is why the Bible tells us that we should believe that we receive when we ask (James 1:6). It is not just enough to attend church services, teach in the synagogues about faith or even fast. If you do not know and believe in what you want, how can you receive? (Matthew 8:10; Matthew 13:58).

When our strength fails faith comes in, when burdened, faith can come in, when we want healing to a particular disease, certainly we must let faith come in.

While faith comes in in these situations, Faith cannot come in to lead us to disobedience (James 4:3). Faith leads us to doing what we have to do.

In asking too, we must be careful not to ask amiss. When you ask amiss, even with faith, it may not be granted.

We see this among some who profess to be Christians, they say they are saved by grace, they believe in grace, but then it ends there, they don’t act like those saved.

James 2:18 makes us to know that our faith is seen in our works. How can you have faith in Christ and reject everything written about Him.

We ask to spend it on our pleasure, we ask with the wrong motives and in such situations, even our faith may not work out.

We live by faith in God, by faith in God, it entails believing His Word, by believing we mean keeping the things written therein irrespective of the external factors. Let us learn to live by faith, our works though sophisticated cannot bring positive results.

To abide in faith is to put aside feeling and selfish desires, to walk humbly with the Lord, to appropriate His promises, and apply them to all occasions, believing that God will work out His plans and purposes in your heart and life. – Fundamentals of Christian Education, 341, 342.

Where can faith come in? In everything we do. May God help us to be faithful in Jesus name.

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