Sunday, 25 February 2024

Lesson 9 Review: Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord

Lesson 9 Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord


Memory Text: "The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This was the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes" (Psalms 118:22-23).

With great evidence to clear every doubt, the scriptures especially the Old Testament written and pointed to Christ, his works, betrayal, suffering, death, resurrection, etc. 

What lessons does the psalmist give out here? 

The Psalms testify about Christ's person and ministry. Almost all aspects of His work in the plan of salvation are seen in the Psalms and other books of the Old Testament.

How is the relationship between the Lord and His people portrayed in these lessons? 

When David said The Lord is my shepherd, God is our provider and we are the sheep of His pasture, with His divine protection David ascribed to God the ultimate source of help.

Kings were considered shepherds of their people (2 Sam. 5:2). Yet, only God truly deserves this title because, in God's government, Who rules in might declaring justice to everyone, with no partial judgment.

How was the Messiah treated by those He had come to save?

Despite all the miraculous works of healing that were performed by Jesus, many still find it difficult to believe who Jesus was that even at the point of death, little did they know that the Saviour was on the cross.

How does God's covenant endure forever? 

God's promises and covenant are based on obedience to His divine command, in other way; the people feel the bitter consequences of their disobedience and realize the gravity of their sins.

What do these lessons teach us about Christ as King? 

We all are fallen human beings and God alone reigns supreme in our lives, hence God's rulership is genuine, the earthly king will not meet the heavenly standard of justice rather they'll compromise.

How is Christ's priesthood unique, and what great hope can we find in Christ's heavenly priesthood?

People's sins and open rebellions constantly provoke God to abandon His people, but God's oath stands firm, each time man sins. God's grace and mercy are sufficient for the repented people.

In Conclusion,

Whether it’s Christ's prayers or prayers about Christ, the Psalms provide a unique revelation of Christ's person and the redeeming ministry as the One who is "God with us.” Thus we should cultivate the psalmist’s Faith and Hope for such a troublesome period we are living in today. Christ is the source of our help and let Christ be our only hope in Jesus' name.

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