Sunday, 18 February 2024

Lesson 8 Review: Wisdom for the Righteous Living

Lesson 8 Wisdom for the Righteous Living


Memory Text: "So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom" (Psalms 90:12, NKJV).

wisdom is the principal thing in the life of a righteous man, keeping the law of God does not mean we won't be tempted or be perfect but it makes one wise and safe from evil.

Why should we seek Wisdom so important?

For a Christian to understand the time of the end and to overcome evil, wisdom depends on the word of God. thus, every believer’s prayers should anchor on God's mercy and faithfulness because He can deliver us from the devil's dart.

what will be the reward for hiding the word of God in our hearts? 

keeping the Commandments is in our own favour and God benefits nothing from it, indeed God is faithful to reward us with a beautiful city of gold. but we must exhibit an attitude of loyalty and total submission to the will of God to make a complete fulfillment of His promise.

How careful should we be, if our lives are like a vapor?

In this situation David's word of Lamentation is a touchable count down of life to every humanity, it therefore means we should remember to avoid our daily tasks being left undone. wise living is awareness of the will of God which will help us to understand that we are traveling through difficulties to the life of eternal peace.

what's the essence of God's trials in a believer's life?

the Lord does not slack concerning His promises, thus everyone who professes to be a follower of Jesus must stand to prove his/her faith by testing. the goal of divine discipline is to purge and refine the mind of doubt away from the hearts of the elect.

why should we pray as the psalmist concerning temptation? 

though God has given us full assurance of safety does not mean we should cease to pray or give up the good work, we are surrounded by evil and by evil the world's agents of the darkness are against the counsel of the righteous but God is willing and ready to come to our rescue.

what blessings are promised to those who Reverence The Lord?

Just like an earthly father who loves his obedience child more so than them who call upon the Lord in a contrite heart, the children of Israel were to take over the promised Land if they maintained the standard of righteousness by submitting to the will of God. so the same task is laid before us heavenly race can be accomplished if we walk according to His (God) command.

In Conclusion,

if we subtract God from our lives then we are like grass that fades and withers away, God is the source and center of every human hope who waits patiently to God. to be able to succeed, especially in the last days of Earth's history we must seek after wisdom and the Gospel of our Lord Jesus should revive our conscience to good work believing that the sun stain world and it's pain one day will become a songs of the saints in Jesus’ name.

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