Monday, 30 September 2024

Lesson 1 Review: Signs That Point the Way

Lesson 1 Signs That Point the Way


Memory Text: “And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:30, 31, NKJV).
John explained that why He wrote his gospel is “that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:31, NKJV). John calls these miracles “signs,” miraculous events that point to a deeper reality: Jesus as the Messiah. The Gospel of John contains examples of people who responded in faith. And these examples invite us to do the same.

What sign did Jesus do at Cana, and how did this help the disciples in coming to believe in Him?

Jesus Christ performs the miracle of changing water into wine and this provided evidence in favor of the disciples’ decision to follow Jesus.

How does Jesus’ first sign identify with the Israelites?

Moses was the leader of the Israelites, and he brought Israel out of Egypt by many signs and wonders. God prophesied through Moses that a prophet would come who was like Moses whom they should hear. Jesus’ first sign of turning water into wine pointed back to the deliverance of the children of Israel from Egypt. The River Nile was changed to blood as a plague to the Egyptians that should lead to the Israelite’s deliverance, Jesus performed similar miracle but, instead of turning water into blood, He turned water into wine. The water came from six water pots used for purification purposes in Jewish rituals, linking the miracle even more closely to biblical themes of salvation. In summary, by recounting the incident of changing water to wine, and thus referring back to the Exodus, John was pointing to Jesus as our Deliverer.

What did the master of the feast think of the unfermented wine that Jesus provided?

He was indeed surprised by the quality of the drink and, not knowing the miracle that Jesus had performed there, thought that they had saved the best for last.

What second sign did Jesus do in Galilee?

Jesus healed a nobleman’s son.

Why does John make a connection back to the miracle at the wedding feast?

By pointing back to the first sign at the wedding in Cana, John seems to be saying, The signs that Jesus did will help you see who Jesus is. Then John adds, “This again is the second sign Jesus did when He had come out of Judea into Galilee” (John 4:54, NKJV).

What lesson can we learn from Jesus’ healing of the nobleman’s son?

The nobleman made the healing of his son a criterion for believing in Jesus, we should not look to miracles as evidence for the power of God. Satan too, can perform “miracles,” that is if we see miracles as supernatural acts. A true prophet or person of God will say and do according to God’s will, he will speak according to the scriptures.

What was the problem with the man at the pool of Bethesda?

Of course, the obvious problem was that He was disabled and needed healing, but the other problem was that he was looking for the solution to his problem in the wrong place. Sometimes we go to the wrong place for solutions, meanwhile the Healer is very close by, even in our hearts.

How did Jesus help this man with an infirmity believe in Him?

Jesus does not ask the man with an infirmity thirty-eight years to exercise faith, but rather Jesus said to him to rise up and walk. It is at this command from Jesus that the man anchors his faith and then he believed in Jesus and He was made well.

What was the problem with the religious leaders who the healed man in John 5:1-9 reported his healing to?

Their hearts were corrupt, their false belief that the Messiah would save them from the Roman Rule blinded their eyes. Their hearts were hardened and would not accept the truth.

What points can we draw from Jesus’ sign of healing the man with infirmity thirty-eight years?

Healings were allowed on the Sabbath only in an emergency, but the man with infirmity was disabled for thirty-eight years. One would think that someone with the power from God would not break the Sabbath by instructing another to take up his bed and walk. Jesus in performing this miracle of healing this man with infirmity for thirty-eight years was seeking to take them to deeper biblical truths beyond the man-made rules and regulations that had, in some cases, stifled true faith.

Why was Jesus persecuted for His action of healing the man of infirmity on the Sabbath?

He was persecuted because it was supposed that Jesus was breaking the Sabbath and that Jesus was claiming equality with God.

Did Jesus break the Sabbath by healing the man with infirmity?

A closer look at John 5:16-18 shows that Jesus’ “work” on the Sabbath is in line with His relationship to His Father. God sustains the universe even on the Sabbath, Jesus’ activity on the Sabbath was part of His claim to divinity.

How does Jesus defend His actions on the Sabbath?

He defends His actions in three steps. First, He explains His intimate relationship with the Father, that everything He does is in harmony with the Father, Jesus had power to judge and raise the dead. Second, Jesus calls four “witnesses” in rapid succession to His defense – John the Baptist, the miracles Jesus does, the Father, and the Scriptures, each of these give testimonies in favor of Jesus. Finally, Jesus sets the contrasts between His ministry and the self-seeking of His accusers. Their condemnation, Jesus says, will come from Moses, the one in whom they have set their hopes.

In Conclusion,

Jesus is truly the Son of God and in Him is life, and we are not to fall into the trap of self-seeking and hardheartedness. May God help us to fully surrender to Him, because in so doing we will be protected from rejecting the truth, in Jesus’ name.

4th Quarter of 2024 Sabbath School Study Guide Introduction

The Theme for the Sabbath School Study Guide for the Fourth Quarter of 2024 is “Themes in the Gospel of John.” The Gospel of John is the Word of God conveyed to us through the apostle, John. John was merely the willing instrument that the Holy Spirit used to convey many crucial themes: the Word (logos), light, bread, water, the Holy Spirit, oneness, signs, testimony, and prophecy. The Gospel of John often focuses on interactions between Jesus and just one or two people. Many of these stories appear only in John. In our study of the gospel of John, we should not miss the big picture which is a divinely inspired revelation of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

The Theme for the Sabbath School Study Guide for the Fourth Quarter of 2024 is “Themes in the Gospel of John.” The Gospel of John is the Word of God conveyed to us through the apostle, John. John was merely the willing instrument that the Holy Spirit used to convey many crucial themes: the Word (logos), light, bread, water, the Holy Spirit, oneness, signs, testimony, and prophecy. The Gospel of John often focuses on interactions between Jesus and just one or two people. Many of these stories appear only in John. In our study of the gospel of John, we should not miss the big picture which is a divinely inspired revelation of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

Here is an outline for the weekly topics for this quarter:





Signs That Point the Way

September 28 – October 4


Signs of Divinity

October 5 – 11


The Backstory: The Prologue

October 12 – 18


Witnesses of Christ as the Messiah

October 19 – 25


The Testimony of the Samaritans

October 26 – November 1


More Testimonies About Jesus

November 2 – 8


Blessed Are Those Who Believe

November 9 – 15


Fulfilling Old Testament Prophecies

November 16 – 22


The Source of Life

November 23 – 29


The Way, the Truth, and the Life

November 30 – December 6


The Father, the Son, and the Spirit

December 7 – 13


The Hour of Glory: The Cross and Resurrection

December 14 – 20


Epilogue: Knowing Jesus and His Word

December 21 – 27

Sunday, 22 September 2024

Lesson 13 Review: The Risen Lord

Lesson 13 The Risen Lord


Memory Text: “But he said unto them, ‘Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He is risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid Him’ ” (Mark 16:6, NKJV).

The crucifixion of Jesus destroyed the eternal hope in the lives of the disciples and the Believers, all hope was gone, but the power of dead and grace was recovered.

What should we learn from Christ’s burial?

The ancient Israel, the people of God and Believers understood the idea of true worship, they avoided anything that profanes the Sabbath. The Sabbath was kept despite the agony of Christ.

How is Christ’s resurrection a hope to humanity?

Christ is the only hope of every believer on earth. The devil aims to destroy humanity but Christ has proved through His power that He is Lord of Lords and Creator of every creature.

Should we believe in the resurrection?

Oh yes and well yes, as Christ died and resurrected even so shall everyone rest and wait till the resurrection morning when everyone will be resurrected either to life eternal or eternal damnation, we must prepare ourselves to the world’s most shakable event.

What is the significance of the stone been rolled away?

The heaviness of the stone is another fact to consider, as the heavy stone was rolled away our burdens will be lifted away but not by man’s power but by that which is Immortal and everlasting.

What discussion took place at the tomb?

Arriving at the tomb disheartened, they found the previously closed tomb now an open tomb of joy, good news and testimonies of Christ’s resurrection.

Who saw Christ first after His resurrection?

According to Bible reports, upon the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the mother of Jesus faced the shocking surprise of their lives. It seemed to be a dream but it was reality.

What was Christ’s purpose of mission outreach?

After Christ’s resurrection, the great commission, was given to man not only to tell people about the kingdom of God but also to bear witness of what they had seen, not only His death but His resurrection, ascension and eternal majesty.

In Conclusion,

People may find it difficult to trust in God or in His Word, but Christ’s agony, death, resurrection and ascension helps the believer to believe more fully in Him. Though we may die, we will live with Him forevermore, the assurance of God’s Word fans the flames of hope in our lives. May God help us to accept this hope and be part of His kingdom in Jesus’ name.

Sunday, 15 September 2024

Lesson 12 Review: Tried and Crucified

Lesson 12 Tried and Crucified


Memory Text: "Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?' which is translated, ‘My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?' " (Mar 15:34, NKJV).

Mark 15 carries the heart of the passion narrative which rings in the heart of everyone about the pains of Jesus' death, such a boundless love towards humanity. At the cross is where we find the best way to express love in action.

What was Jesus' Response to Pilate's Question?

At first, Jesus exercised patience, then He humbly responded to Pilate by saying that He is the King not only to the Jews but to every creature created under the sun. Satan however didn't want them to acknowledge Jesus as the King.

Which people led Christ to persecution?

Christ was sent to the lost house of Israel but they failed to acknowledge their Saviour not because they didn't know but they originally and intentionally rejected Christ because of spiritual blindness. These were the people that led Christ to persecution.

What were some of the events that took place at the passion and why?

The soldiers bow down and pay homage in mockery. They struck Jesus and asked Him to prophecy, as the Messiah, who struck Him. However, it is in that time that the prophecy about Peter's denial came to fulfillment. Thus Jesus is the Messiah.

How did Jesus respond to the humiliation He went through?

In the ancient times, before a victim was crucified the victim is made to pass through horrible pains. This was no different for Jesus although He was innocent.  Jesus, however gave himself to fulfill the prophecy.

Was Jesus truly forsaken by God?

Although it seemed Jesus was alone on the cross, He was surrounded with the Heavenly Host. When Jesus cried out on the cross, He expressed the bitterness of the cup mixed with wrath and pain that He drank for humanity. He not only died the first death that man would die, He died the second.

Why did Joseph request for the body of Jesus?

In view of Jesus' records of saving lives by raising the dead, healing the sick and providing to the needy, Jesus was compassionate to the people and Joseph expressed his love by taking the body of Christ by himself to be buried honourably.

What does Christ's death mean to us? 

At the cross, Satan celebrated victory but after Christ's death, Jesus claimed the power of sin and death. Everyone who believes in Him shall be saved. Jesus didn't only die to set us free but to give us the power to overcome what He overcame.

In conclusion,

Consider the pains Christ went through just to reconcile man back to the image of God as it was in the garden of Eden. This cost nothing but pains and death. More so God wants us to sacrifice our best as we journey through this sinful world to Heavenly Canaan. May God help us to be be in the place prepared for us by Him in Jesus' name.

Sunday, 8 September 2024

Lesson 11 Review: Taken and Tired

Lesson 11 Taken and Tired


Memory Text: "And He said, 'Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup from Me; nevertheless not what I will, but what You will' " (Mark 14:36, NKJV).

In this week's lesson study, we will look at the major events that took place in the closing ministry of Jesus, just as the Bible prophesied it to be and when it would be fulfilled.

What two stories link to the betrayal of Jesus?

At dinner with the disciples a woman with a box of perfume offered her precious gift to Jesus but Judas' interest was not in selling the perfume and giving the money to the poor but for self-centered interest. 

What did Christ establish in giving Himself as the Sacrificial Lamb?

In the old sanctuary system, the priest sprinkled  people with the sacrificial blood of Rams but Christ in the fulfilling of the prophecy was the Lamb to establish an everlasting Covenant.

What can we learn about the Prayer of Jesus?

We can learn from Jesus' custom of private time in prayer. We can pour out our burdens to God and at the end of the prayer with confidence He said let Your will be done, even Christ has laid a foundation of prayer for us.

What do we learn about choosing and making friends here?

Remember that Jesus told the disciples that He will be betrayed, as if it was not enough Peter who desired to bear the burdens with Christ would deny him. We all are surrounded by evil but Christ's victory is sure.

What were some of the things that befell Christ before His death?

After Christ was arrested by the Roman soldiers there was given a little time to ask Christ more questions, but Christ began by presenting the truth which they ignored. The devil ultimately was behind the chief priest's decision; prophecy comes to fulfillment.

What did Peter remember that caused him to shed tears?

Before Christ was arrested and taken to Caiaphas, Christ had already told Peter that he'll deny Him three times before the cock crows. Peter denied Jesus, remembered and shed tears for he betrayed his Master.

Who helped carry Jesus' cross?

Simon the Cyrene.

In conclusion,

Everything that was performed in the Old Sanctuary system was pointing to Christ, The One who gives us the grace of salvation. What works was unable to do for us, grace beyond measure was given. I pray may the Lord remind us of how we were saved in Jesus' name.

Sunday, 1 September 2024

Lesson 10 Review: The Last Days

Lesson 10 The Last Days


Memory Text: " ‘Then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. And then He will send His angels, and gather His elect from the four winds, from the farthest part of earth to the farthest part of heaven' " (Mar 13:26-27, NKJV). 

The world's most shakeable event will soon take place and that will be the second coming of our Lord Jesus, where the hope of every believer hangs upon. However, it seems most people have given up their faith of trust.

What did Jesus say to His listeners about the future?

In Mathew 24 the disciples where more concerned about the beautiful temple and lost sight of destruction that will befall upon them in the future but Jesus in His mercy drew their attention back for them to get ready.

What instructions were given to them concerning these events?

After that, Christ warns them about false prophets and their powers of deception, He warned them to be careful that even the elect may be deceived if possible by those false prophets. However for them to avoid this deception they must abide by the truth.

What lessons should we learn about giving?

we all came in to this world with nothing so whatever we have is to Glorify God, God didn't say we should give Him everything but whatsoever we have let's in humility present it before our Maker. 

Why does this discussion link with Daniel?

Before this was mentioned by Christ, Daniel already had an idea about the event or the situation that is about to take place and Christ repeatedly warned the people to be ready.

Why was it a surprising event to the disciples?

The disciples were suprised because they didn't study to understand the time rather their minds were focused on the magnificent temple.

Why will the coming of Christ be earth's remarkable event?

The coming of the Son of Man will be the earth's remarkable event because sinful work will be ended and to the believers it will be a burden relief.

What are we to do amidst these great tribulations?

Just as it was told to the people of old despite their ignorance, believers are urged to get ready. This event reminds us of the days of Noah, when some were carried unaware. However, the saints will keep their eyes on watch.

In Conclusion,

God has done everything for man to be saved but in the world covered and swallowed up by evil, the salvation of men may be hindered by their decision making but I pray that may God reach out to those who open their hearts to Christ, may everyone come to knowledge of the God's Word and may they be saved in Jesus' name.