Sunday, 15 September 2024

Lesson 12 Review: Tried and Crucified

Lesson 12 Tried and Crucified


Memory Text: "Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?' which is translated, ‘My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?' " (Mar 15:34, NKJV).

Mark 15 carries the heart of the passion narrative which rings in the heart of everyone about the pains of Jesus' death, such a boundless love towards humanity. At the cross is where we find the best way to express love in action.

What was Jesus' Response to Pilate's Question?

At first, Jesus exercised patience, then He humbly responded to Pilate by saying that He is the King not only to the Jews but to every creature created under the sun. Satan however didn't want them to acknowledge Jesus as the King.

Which people led Christ to persecution?

Christ was sent to the lost house of Israel but they failed to acknowledge their Saviour not because they didn't know but they originally and intentionally rejected Christ because of spiritual blindness. These were the people that led Christ to persecution.

What were some of the events that took place at the passion and why?

The soldiers bow down and pay homage in mockery. They struck Jesus and asked Him to prophecy, as the Messiah, who struck Him. However, it is in that time that the prophecy about Peter's denial came to fulfillment. Thus Jesus is the Messiah.

How did Jesus respond to the humiliation He went through?

In the ancient times, before a victim was crucified the victim is made to pass through horrible pains. This was no different for Jesus although He was innocent.  Jesus, however gave himself to fulfill the prophecy.

Was Jesus truly forsaken by God?

Although it seemed Jesus was alone on the cross, He was surrounded with the Heavenly Host. When Jesus cried out on the cross, He expressed the bitterness of the cup mixed with wrath and pain that He drank for humanity. He not only died the first death that man would die, He died the second.

Why did Joseph request for the body of Jesus?

In view of Jesus' records of saving lives by raising the dead, healing the sick and providing to the needy, Jesus was compassionate to the people and Joseph expressed his love by taking the body of Christ by himself to be buried honourably.

What does Christ's death mean to us? 

At the cross, Satan celebrated victory but after Christ's death, Jesus claimed the power of sin and death. Everyone who believes in Him shall be saved. Jesus didn't only die to set us free but to give us the power to overcome what He overcame.

In conclusion,

Consider the pains Christ went through just to reconcile man back to the image of God as it was in the garden of Eden. This cost nothing but pains and death. More so God wants us to sacrifice our best as we journey through this sinful world to Heavenly Canaan. May God help us to be be in the place prepared for us by Him in Jesus' name.

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