Sunday, 1 September 2024

Lesson 10 Review: The Last Days

Lesson 10 The Last Days


Memory Text: " ‘Then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. And then He will send His angels, and gather His elect from the four winds, from the farthest part of earth to the farthest part of heaven' " (Mar 13:26-27, NKJV). 

The world's most shakeable event will soon take place and that will be the second coming of our Lord Jesus, where the hope of every believer hangs upon. However, it seems most people have given up their faith of trust.

What did Jesus say to His listeners about the future?

In Mathew 24 the disciples where more concerned about the beautiful temple and lost sight of destruction that will befall upon them in the future but Jesus in His mercy drew their attention back for them to get ready.

What instructions were given to them concerning these events?

After that, Christ warns them about false prophets and their powers of deception, He warned them to be careful that even the elect may be deceived if possible by those false prophets. However for them to avoid this deception they must abide by the truth.

What lessons should we learn about giving?

we all came in to this world with nothing so whatever we have is to Glorify God, God didn't say we should give Him everything but whatsoever we have let's in humility present it before our Maker. 

Why does this discussion link with Daniel?

Before this was mentioned by Christ, Daniel already had an idea about the event or the situation that is about to take place and Christ repeatedly warned the people to be ready.

Why was it a surprising event to the disciples?

The disciples were suprised because they didn't study to understand the time rather their minds were focused on the magnificent temple.

Why will the coming of Christ be earth's remarkable event?

The coming of the Son of Man will be the earth's remarkable event because sinful work will be ended and to the believers it will be a burden relief.

What are we to do amidst these great tribulations?

Just as it was told to the people of old despite their ignorance, believers are urged to get ready. This event reminds us of the days of Noah, when some were carried unaware. However, the saints will keep their eyes on watch.

In Conclusion,

God has done everything for man to be saved but in the world covered and swallowed up by evil, the salvation of men may be hindered by their decision making but I pray that may God reach out to those who open their hearts to Christ, may everyone come to knowledge of the God's Word and may they be saved in Jesus' name.

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