Sunday, 4 February 2024

Lesson 6 Review: I Will Arise

Lessons 6 I Will Arise


Memory Text: " ‘For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now I will arise,' says the Lord; ‘I will set him in the safety for which he yearns ' " (Ps 12:5, NKJV).

Despite living in a world of evil, God is Righteous enough to provide everyone with faithful and truthful justice and to relieve every man from oppression.

Read Psalms 12:5, why did God say I will Arise?

Only when we see and believe in God's name we know he will fight to guarantee His children's safety from the hands of our foes.

Why should we trust in God and not in our Might?

Our strength will fail us but praise be to God whose powers and Might endure forever even amid our unfaithfulness.

How poor and needy are we and the people among us, how can we reach out for help?

Poor and needy here doesn't mean a physical lack of wealth but being hopeless, unable to withstand the fierce darts of our adversary in the spiritual combat of the Great Controversy.

What lessons should we learn about injustice in our world today?

Only when we understand that we are equal to others, does God place every man in a higher and better position not to hurt one another of less privilege but to help, using it to the glory of God.

Read Psalm 94:1,2, vengeance belongs to who?

The Davidic attitude towards oppression and affliction is clearly understood by the reasoning of acknowledging God to be his vindicator even we who believe also in God.

Why should Christ's ministry in the heavenly sanctuary be good news to all the believers?

When the confessed sins of God's people are covered with the blood of Jesus, then the workers of iniquity will be put to open shame and destruction, and by that time the probation closes against the wicked.

In Conclusion,

Arise, O Lord. This should be the Prayer of every believer who waits patiently on God, hope and trust should be demonstrated. Expressing our helplessness and need to God for Divine intervention in Jesus' name.

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