Sunday, 11 February 2024

Lesson 7 Review: Your Mercy Reaches Unto the Heavens

Lesson 7 Your Mercy Reaches Unto the Heavens


Memory Text: “I will praise You, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing to You among the nations. For Your mercy reaches unto the heavens, and Your truth unto the clouds” (Psalm 57:9, 10, NKJV).

The grace of God brings pities to humans because we are unable to offer unto God what is due to be done but God is faithful enough to keep His Covenant to Eternity.

Serving a Faithful God, how is our faith strengthened?

fresh experience of God's love strengthens our minds that nothing should be in between our relationship with God even as nothing else can separate us from God.

How does God's mercy inspire our Lives?

However, the fact that God's mercy endures forever is repeated 26 times throughout the Psalms, but in our lives is uncountable and it will always be uncountable to express God's true nature and character to His creatures.

why should forgiveness be a great task for Believers to accomplish?

while pleading for God to forgive us we should also learn to forgive others, we were as sheep led astray but God sought us and found us we too must play the role of forgiving one another and pointing to others the way to meet Christ.

where would you be if God marked our iniquities?

the psalmist's great affliction is clearly understood that if God doesn't blot out his sins then there's no one who could stand or live on Earth, it is God's readiness to forgive sin and never to remember anymore, thus the psalmist's Faith is grounded on the word of God.

why is it more important to remember what happens at Calvary? 

someone was invited to dine with the King, but in the end, he went his way out without thanking the king and the king was so angry, if at the end of everything God has done to us, we don't thank God, then it's indeed so wrong we are to be thankful to God always.

How could our Testimonies impact others?

when we tell people about what God has done for us it makes people also believe that since God has done these great things in the lives of his children then He (God) will visit them at the appointed time, never to give up their hopes on God, God's blessings are a benefit to everyone.

In Conclusion,

In the Psalms, we understand that out of our own, we have nothing without God to bless us, the final aim of the Psalmist's personal testimonies and praise of God's mercy in his life is to reassure others of God's loving-kindness so that they, too, can open their hearts to God and receive His saving grace and praise God in Jesus’ name.

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