Monday, 15 January 2024

Lesson 3 Review: The Lord Reigns

Lesson 3 The Lord Reigns


Memory Text: "The Lord reigns, he is robed in majesty; the Lord is robed in majesty and armed with strength; indeed, the world is established, firm and secure" (Ps 93:1, NIV).

With the worldview, the psalmist wants the reader to have the foundational truth about their Creator (God) and the root of the Beginning of this world.

The Lord Has Made Us:

Read Psalm 8:4, What is your Response to God as your Creator?

It is expected that man should be in Total submission to God knowing fully well that without God man is completely helpless.

Though the Great Controversy Ranges God is still the Rulers of both the heavens and the Earth.

 How can we show that the Lord Reigns in our Lives?

We must understand who our God is and how to Glorify Him, with total submission He and He alone is the chief cornerstone of our Life.

 God is the Judge

 Read Psalms 75, Why is the boasting of the wicked in vain?

Several texts in the Bible picture God's Judgement as just and true, as the elect of God we believe that He's not a man nor the son of man that will compromise the standard of Humanity when it comes to judging the Earth.

 Ever Mindful of His Covenant

 Read Gen 8:1, What does it teach us about God's Promises?

Undoubtedly, God's is Name the covenant-keeping God despite the longer it may be, He never forgets or forsakes anyone He made His promise to.

 Your Testimonies Are Very Sure

When speaking of Testimonies it refers to Laws, Decree, or Commandments, which govern the religious and social life of His people.

Read Psalms 119:165-167, Why should we take the laws of God important in our Life?

Oh yes, but the Law alone cannot save us we depend on the Righteousness of Jesus that makes an open access to Eternity.

 In Conclusion,

In our daily life, we should endeavor to study the book of Psalms diligently, because the more we study the psalmist the more the character of God is unveil and it sink deeply to our understanding to Render God's kindness to our lives In Jesus’ name.

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