Sunday, 21 January 2024



 I gave my life for Thee

My Precious blood I shed,

That thou might’st ransom be,

And quickened from the dead;

I gave, I gave My Life for thee,

What hast thou given for Me?

I gave, I gave My Life for Thee,

What hast thou given For Me?


My Father’s House of Light,

My glory circled throne,

I left for earthly night,

For wanderings sad and lone;

I left, I left it all for Thee,

Hast thou left aught for Me?

I left, I left it all for Thee,

Hast Thou left aught for Me?


I suffered much for thee,

More than thy tongue can tell,

Of bitterest agony,

To rescue Thee from hell;

I’ve borne, I’ve borne it all for thee,

What has thou borne for Me?

I’ve borne, I’ve borne it all for thee,

What hast thou borne for Me?


The Chief Priests and the Elders gathered together to take Jesus by trickery and kill Him but they said, “Not during the feast, lest there be an uproar among the people”.


Jesus fasted for forty days and forty nights just so we could be saved.


Jesus with a deeply sorrowful heart prayed that the cup pass from Him, not at His will but the Father’s.


The disciples who went to the garden with Him to pray had fallen asleep.


He was left alone, His disciples had all scattered into hiding places to avoid, being identified with Jesus.


Peter denied Jesus three times, even after His statement to go with Jesus wherever He goes.


Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss.


The Chief Priests after arresting Jesus did not have any concrete allegation against Him, they only kept Jesus in the court as they waited for false witnesses to testify falsely against Jesus.


Jesus was mocked with these;

·         He was asked to prophesy to them who struck Him as He was struck by the palms of the mob

·         He was given a crown of thorns, a scarlet robe, and a reed as proof of His kingship.

He was tagged as deserving of death, with allegations that were all false.


He was accused of blasphemy whereas He never blasphemed.


He was chosen over a notorious criminal even though He committed no crime.


He carried His cross and a crown of thorns even after He was beaten and made weak.


He was stripped and bruised in a way that was never done to the criminals who were hung with Him on the same day.

The extent of Jesus’ pain and sorrow was shown when He felt His father had betrayed Him.


Some of the words were said to Jesus as a way of mocking Him;

“You will destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself, if You are the Son of God, come down from the cross”.

“He saved others but cannot save Himself”


The veil in the temple was torn in two from top to bottom, the earth quaked, rocks split, graves opened and many bodies of the saints rose from the dead.


Everyone who saw what happened testified that Jesus truly was the Son of God because great fear had come to them.


Even after Jesus’ burial, the Chief Priests and Elders sought to get rid of Him more completely.


Soldiers were sent to guard the grave where Jesus was laid, but after three days from when Jesus died, He rose again.


Jesus’ resurrection gives us the hope that even as Sinners who have died because of sin, we will be resurrected never to die again.


Jesus bore all these for Us, what have we borne for Him?


Jesus suffered for our sins, what have we suffered for Him?


What Jesus requires of us is to go into the world and teach them to observe all that He has commanded.


Just as the father sent Him, so he is sending us.


What does Jesus get in return for all the sacrifices He made for us.


Jesus is supposed to suffer only in the time He was on earth, but We make Him sad again when He sees the people He sacrificed for not obeying Him.


Jesus has still not given up on us despite our seemingly incessant tendency to sin.


God is still interceding for us above, mediating between us and the Father.


Jesus’ will for us is that we may have eternal life, and He is working to make eternal life ours.


Since we know we have Jesus behind us on our way to eternal life, why should we deny Him?


Sin should not stop us from receiving the gift of God, for all we know the end of sin is death.


We can receive Jesus while we still can.


We can leave all for Him because He left all for us.


We can bear persecutions for Him, because He bore persecutions for us.


We can give our lives as a sacrifice to Him, because He gave His life as a sacrifice for us.


There is no loss in doing these things, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.


This world is not as good as it seems, as the leaves on the tree that blossom and flourish then whither and perish.


Jesus has a better plan for us and that is why He made that sacrifice.


Jesus made the sacrifice because He knew what would be gained at last.


No sacrifice is so hard to make for this great gain in Jesus.


If we can sacrifice our money, time, energy, and resources for the temporary things of this world, it should not be so hard to sacrifice for everlasting things.


The Lord will always be there to help us with making this sacrifice.


We only have nothing to lose.


Jesus gave His life for Thee; give your life to Him.

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