Saturday, 1 October 2022

Lesson 2 Review: Death in a Sinful World

Lesson 2 Death in a Sinful World


Memory Text: “Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned” (Romans 5:12, NKJV).

Lucifer was jealous of God after Jesus was conferred special honor to create this world. Satan seeing he had failed in his mission to take away the throne from God, sought to attack Adam and Eve with the intention that God will pardon them and the fallen angels too would be pardon. This week’s lesson is a reflection on the fall of man, the origin of sin, death and how God planted a seed of hope.

Why did the argument of Satan sound more convincing to Eve?

First of all, there was no evidence so far in the natural world of the evidence of sin, and death. Second, the serpent was actually eating the fruit and enjoying it so much.

What three principles did Eve ignore when deciding between the two conflicting statements?

‘First, Human reasoning is not always the safest way to evaluate spiritual matters. Second, the Word of God can appear to be illogical and senseless to us, but it is always right and trustworthy. Third, there are things that are not evil and wrong in themselves, but God has chosen them as tests of obedience.

How does Eve’s experience resonate with what we face daily?

‘Every day and every moment we need to decide between the Word of God (which for many can be unpopular) and the seductive appeals of our surrounding culture.

How did Eve make the choice of whom to obey?

She used the empirical method to judge between the two conflicting statements. ‘First, she saw that from a dietary perspective, “the tree was good for food.” Second, from an aesthetic viewpoint, she saw that “it was a delight to the eyes.” Third, from a logical analysis, “the three was desirable to make one wise.’

Why can One say that not all forms of knowledge are valid?

Knowledge, in and of itself, can be very detrimental in view of the experiences of Adam and Eve’s experience in Eden. We are better of not knowing some things.

How does the lie of Satan in Eden that we shall not surely die manifest even after Eden?

‘The powerful manifestation of Satan’s lie is in the common belief in the immortality of the soul.’ Many cultures and even religions believe in this false belief. Satan has defended this lie, with this emphatic assertion.

What does the Bible tell us about the immortality of the soul?

The dead does not praise God (Psalm 115: 17), in the day the living die, their plans perish with them, they return to his ground (Psalm 146: 4), only at the second coming of Jesus will those who died good will resurrect to life and those who died evil to condemnation (John 5:28,29).

What were the main consequences of sin?

The consequences of Eve’s disloyalty is pretty much obvious in the world around us. From a theological perspective, man was overtaken by theophobia (being afraid of God) and hid themselves from God, from a psychosocial assessment, both the man and the woman were ashamed of theselves and began to accuse each other. From a physical standpoint, they would sweat, feel pain and eventualy die. Death came to all men through sin (Romans 5:12) and because all have sinned.

What are we to be thankful of despite the existing consequence of sin?

We are to be thankful that through Jesus and the Cross we have the hope of eternal life in a world where sin will never rise again.

What assurance for the present and hope for the future did God give to man in the garden after the fall?

In Genesis 3:15, the enmity between good and evil is not only a long-lasting one, but also a personal repulsion to sin, which has been implanted by God’s grace, making us not readily susceptible to sin. The Lord also used an animal sacrifice which up to that point was not experienced before. The animal thus prefigured the One who was to die man’s sacrifice.

What was first revealed in Eden in view of 2 Corinthians 5:21 and Hebrews 9:28?

Adam and Eve did not just leave the garden naked on in their fid-leaf coverings. They left with God’s tunics of skin, a symbol of His covering righteousness. Hence the gospel was first revealed in Eden.

In Conclusion,

Death is an inevitable part of the sinful world, prior to sin, in the perfect world, there was nothing like death, everything was good. After the fall, we were sentenced to death, but God has not left us without hope, He has given us by His grace a personal repulsion to sin, and hope in the seed of the woman, I pray that this hope for the future be truly ours in Jesus’ name.

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