Saturday, 24 September 2022

Lesson 1 Review: Rebellion in a Perfect Universe

Lesson 1 Rebellion in a Perfect Universe


Memory Text: " 'How you have fallen from heaven, you star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth, you who defeated the nations!' " (Isa. 14:12, NASB).

God made this world perfect but then there is evil, the evil though believed to have begun after Adam and Eve had fallen, actually existed before then. This Week's lesson will teach us the story behind the origin of sin.

What does the fact that God is Love convey according to the lesson?

First, love is expressed and God expresses His love both internally among the Godhead and externally in His relationship with all His creation. 'Second, all that God does is an expression of His unconditional and unchanging love'. Thirdly, since God is love, He cannot be the 'originator of sin, which is in direct opposition to His own character'.

Why did God create the Universe?

From the perspective of His loving nature, He wanted a Universe as a means of expressing His love.

Why is freewill the basis for love?

Without freewill the ground for love would be absent, we can only show love when we have life and freewill, love is not forced. It is in this freewill that Lucifer decided to rebel.

Why was Lucifer ungrateful to God for making Him as perfect as He was?

Lucifer was ungrateful, he wished to be more than he actually deserved. Why Lucifer made this choice however is a mystery.

How can we try to overcome any feelings of ingratitude and self-pity?

According to 1 Thessalonian's 5:18 Paul says that in everything we should give thanks.

What does the city of Babylon represent in the Bible?

The City of Babylon represents the power that stands in direct opposition to God and His Kingdom, and the King of Babylon becomes a symbol of pride and arrogance.

What is the price of pride?

As seen in many stories especially the One currently in view, falling is the price that comes with pride. Satan wanted to exalt himself and he was thrown down from heaven, Nebuchadnezzar too, was made humble.

Who is really Angel Michael?

Christ is referred to as Michael. He is not just an Angelic Being but He is God.

What does Revelation 12 explain about the Great Controversy?

In Verse 1, The Great Controversy begun in heaven with the rebellion of Lucifer and one-third of the heavenly angels.

Verse 2, culminated with Christ's decisive victory at the cross

Verse 3, Still continues against God's end-time remnant people.

In Conclusion,

The origin of sin is a mystery to us yet but we can learn a valuable lesson from the war that took place in Heaven. We are made in total dependence to God our Creator, breaking our relationship with God would mean breaking our our means of survival, Satan's pride destroyed his relationship with God we shouldn't let pride come in between us and God. I pray that God give us the grace to keep our relationship with Him and renew where necessary in Jesus' name.

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