Saturday, 20 August 2022

Lesson 9 Review: A Life of Praise


Lesson 9 A Life of Praise


Memory Text: “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say, rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4, NKJV).

Praising God in crucibles helps us sustain our faith, it is faith in action, practicing praise so that it becomes a natural part of our lives has the power to both convert and to conquer every challenge.

What are the two implications in rejoicing always?

First, it implies that we rejoice even when circumstances do not give grounds for rejoicing. Second, we are also to learn to rejoice at times when we do not feel like it.

What lesson does the Jericho incident have for us?

The Israelites must have concluded that they hadn’t any chance of breaking down the walls, but that was when God instructs them to shout, shouting here refers to praise (Ps. 66:1, 2, NIV). After, the Israelites praised God and the walls fell down, they can also attest to the fact that it was not by their power.

What three important things can help in developing praise in our lives?

Praise is practiced as we look around us. Praise is practiced as we remember what we have seen. Praise is practiced as we talk about it.

Why did the Jailer of Paul and Silas in Acts 16:16-34 turn to focus on his need of salvation?

Paul and Silas had a very positive impact in the lives of the people in the prison, and even the Jailer, and it is wonderful to think that they were both in pains after being flogged, but in their pain they praised God. This praise led to the conversion of the Jailer and his entire family, we are to never stop praising God, we may not know what positive effect it could have.

 What was Jehoshaphat’s response when he heard the report that a great army was approaching?

Rather, than prepare his army for war, he went to God in prayer, proclaiming a fast in all Israel, he saw the reality of things that he could not find the vast army that was approaching. God answered his prayers and he did not have to fight the war, all Jehoshaphat did was to praise God for His goodness.

In Conclusion,

Praises should be a major part of our lives, in all situations, we should learn to praise God because He is worthy of our praise. Praise not only is a response to something good, it is something that should continue throughout our lives. Praise is faith in action, I pray that God give us a heart of praise for every situation in Jesus’ name.

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