Saturday, 27 August 2022

Lesson 10 Review: Meekness in the Crucible


Lesson 10 Meekness in the Crucible


Memory Text: “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5, NKJV).

‘Meekness is defined as “enduring injury with patience and without resentment.” With meekness it is easier to go through pain and suffering. Also, in the crucible is where we can learn meekness to make us powerful witnesses for God.

What does it mean to be broken bread and poured-out wine for others?

Just like Moses and Joseph in the Bible who were called to serve people and show the goodness of God who in the process had to go through a lot of suffering and pain. Sometimes God can make us go through crucibles so we can be better witnesses of Christ to others.

What does the experience of Ezekiel in Ezekiel 24:15-27 highlight?

Our sufferings can be a lesson to others, a lot can be learnt from our bad experiences.

What role do we find Moses playing here in Exodus 32:1-14?

Moses plays the role of an Intercessor, in that he pleaded on behalf of the people although they didn’t deserve it.

What two important issues does Exodus 32:1-14?

‘First, God’s offer to destroy the rebellious people and bless Moses was a test for Moses to show how much Moses was compassionate for the desperately rebellious people. Second, this passage shows that opposition and disobedience is a call to reveal grace.

What does Jesus mean when He says we should have love for our enemies?

Love for our enemies is not meant to be a feeling we have for them but specific actions toward them that reveal care and consideration.

What does it mean to be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect?

Those who want to be as perfect as God should show love to their enemies as God shows to His. To be perfect in God’s sight is to love the opposition.

What does it take to love the opposition?

Meekness of heart.

Who gives meekness of heart?

Only God can give meekness of heart to love even our enemies.

How are we to respond to situations of injustice?

We are to use Jesus’ example, what we need is just meekness to endure through knowing that God is in control. Jesus could have certainly talked His was out of being crucified, when Pilate and Caiaphas questioned Him but He kept silent.

What point is David making in Psalm 62:1-8?

“Without cause men will become our enemies” but our refuge and rock should be in God who would never revile us. He is the best One we can get our strength and self-worth from. Even in the pursuit of faith, we may face criticisms but let us be of good cheer, God is guiding us all to the glory of His name.

In Conclusion,

Meekness is a very strong defense against the crucibles of life. This meekness only comes from God and it is our duty to trust God in every situation to provide us with the necessary weapon. Our greatest example should be Jesus who was meek and lowly even in the face of death. I pray that God gives us meekness of heart in Jesus’ name.

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