Memory Text: “ ‘You search the scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me’ ” (John 5:39, NKJV).
John’s gospel
like Mark’s ends with a meeting in Galilee, this final lesson deals with that
meeting but integrates it with the theme of how we know Jesus and the Word of
God—a concept that runs through the fourth gospel. We today, like the
disciples who were unprepared for Christ’s crucifixion, may be in danger of
hearing or reading the Word of God and but not listening to it, not abiding in
it, and not obeying it. That is, not accepting it as the light that should
guide our thoughts and actions. This week’s lesson looks at John’s key points
that helps us move beyond the mere head knowledge of Jesus to instead, knowing
Jesus better and more closely abiding in Him and His Word.
What was the focus of Peter’s response to Jesus at Galilee after Jesus’
Actually, Peter’s response is focused on humility. Jesus
uses the term agapaō, which means to love, Peter responds with Phleō,
which means to love, but just as a friend.
Why is humility one of the greatest qualifications for ministry?
Humility is one of the greatest qualifications for ministry
because the focus then becomes Jesus Christ and not self.
How is Peter’s restoration and role as leader in the early church one of
the strongest evidences that Jesus rose from the dead?
Peter’s restoration and role as leader in the early church
is one of the strongest evidences that Jesus rose from the dead because with it
we can explain Peter’s prominence. Peter denied Jesus before His crucifixion, Jesus
restored him in the presence of other disciples to ministry after His resurrection.
What question led Peter down a wrong path and how did Jesus straighten the
In restoring Peter to ministry, Jesus had predicted Peter’s
manner of death but Peter wanted to know about John’s death, as well. Jesus
redirects Peter’s attention instead to the issue of following Him, not worrying
about what will happen to another disciple.
What can we learn from the correction to Jesus’ statement that was
Jesus and Jesus alone is our only Savior, not people, we are
to keep our eyes on Jesus.
What is the only way through which we can know God?
Only through Jesus can we truly know God.
How do we avoid speaking lies from our own resources?
We must be careful, be surrendered in faith and obedience to
God. We must accept that Christ is the light of the world and follow Him in our
interpretation of the Word.
What is theology from “Above” and theology from “Below” based on?
“Theology from below” sets rules and standards for God and
His Word. Theology “from above,” in contrast, responds in faith, with belief in
God and His Word first (John 4:48; John 6:14, 15; 2 Tim. 3:16). When Bible is
accepted in faith, it becomes its own interpreter.
What does it mean to hear God’s Word?
To hear God’s Word is more than a passive intake of
information. It means to do God’s will (John 17:17).
What choices can we make about Jesus Christ and what are their respective
Throughout John’s gospel, people who encounter Jesus either
accept the light and grow or reject the light and become blind. We are to
accept Jesus and grow.
What is the secret to spiritual growth?
The secret to spiritual growth is to stay connected to
Jesus. He is the Word of God, the Bread of Life, the Light of the World, the
Door of the sheep, the Good Shepherd, the Resurrection and the Life, the Way,
the Truth, and the Life, and the True Vine.
In Conclusion,
Knowing the Father is through Jesus, knowing truth about Jesus is in His Word, and knowing the Word is not just head knowledge of it, but doing it. May God help us to be hearers and doers of His Word, in Jesus’ name.
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