Monday, 4 November 2024

Lesson 6 Review: More Testimonies About Jesus


Lesson 6 More Testimonies About Jesus


Memory Text: “ ‘And if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself’ ” (John 12:32, NKJV).

Jesus not only said astonishing things about Himself, He backed up His Words with actions that proved the truth of His Words. However, there appears a division among the people as a result of the signs Jesus performed. The healing of the man by the pool of Bethesda attracts the ire of some leaders, the discussion in Capernaum following the feeding of the 5,000 leads to the rejection of Jesus by the multitudes, the resurrection of Lazarus creates faith in some but triggers in others hostility that will lead to the trial and execution of Jesus. This week’s lesson looks at some of those who testified about Jesus, some aspects of Jesus are revealed in some of these incidents and they create a deeper vision of Jesus, the Messiah.

How does John the Baptist compare himself to Jesus?

John the Baptist’s disciples must have been jealous for themselves, and their master, they went to John to report that Jesus is baptizing more disciples than him. However, John the Baptist does not seek to join in their jealousy rather he tells them that Jesus indeed is superior to Him, he gives the illustration of the wedding saying that he is the friend of the bridegroom, and that as a friend, he rejoices for the bridegroom and his bride, which should be the church. He says that those who believe in Jesus have eternal life but those who do not believe in Jesus will have to pay the penalty – eternal death.

 What were the Jew’s expectations about the Messiah?

They expected that the Messiah would overthrow Rome and establish them as a great and powerful nation.

Where does knowledge that Jesus is Christ come from?

Knowledge that Jesus is Christ comes from God Himself through the Holy convicting power of the Holy Spirit to a heart surrendered in faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ as Messiah does not from worldly philosophy, science, or higher learning.

How does acceptance and rejection play out in John 6:51-71?

After feeding the 5,000, the people were ready to crown Jesus King, but after Jesus speaks with them in the Synagogue about His being the bread of life and expounded further by saying that this bread is His flesh that is given for the life of the world, the multitudes left Jesus because their eyes were opened that Jesus had not come to save them from the Romans. On the other hand, Jesus’ disciples, although had not really comprehended the purpose of Jesus’ coming believed that Jesus was the Messiah. The disciples however understood why Christ came after Christ’s death and resurrection.

What does Jesus say in John 5:36-38 about the Father?

Jesus links the Father to the works and miracles that He had performed. He is very clear that the Father had sent Him and also had testified about Him.

What is Jesus’ hour of glory?

Jesus’ hour of glory is at the cross.

What does the Father’s testimony about Jesus point to?

The Father’s testimony about Jesus points to the great sacrifice of the Lamb of God for the sins of the world.

How did the crowd that attended the great Feast of the Jews bear witness of Jesus?

Some said He was the Prophet like Moses predicted, others thought Jesus was the Christ, but this brought the argument that Jesus would not come from Galilee, that He had to be born from the Davidic line, but all of this was true. The Officers who went to the Chief Priests and Pharisees also said that no one spoke like this Man.

In Conclusion,

There were various testimonies from people about Jesus, however these testimonies would not have come if they had not opened their hearts to the conviction of the Holy Spirit. May our hearts be open so we can testify of Jesus Christ too, in Jesus’ name.

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