Monday, 19 August 2024

Lesson 8 Review: Teaching Disciples: Part II

Lesson 8 Teaching Disciples: Part II


Memory Text: “ ‘For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.’ ” (Mark 10:45, NKJV).

This week covers Mark 10 which carries important teachings on what it means to follow Jesus Christ particularly on what it means to live in the here and now.

What is God’s plan for marriage?

In the beginning God made a man and a woman (Gen. 1:27), two individuals and a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh (Gen. 2:24).

How can you better reveal Jesus to whatever children are around you?

As Jesus commands in Mark 10:15 that we should let the little children come to Him because the kingdom of God belongs to them, we should be an example to little children and show them the right ways by not keeping them away from Jesus because Jesus loves little children.

How does the reality of God’s grace reveal in our lives both in justifying and in making us new people in Him according to Romans 6:1-11?

The death of Jesus Christ has resolved human guilt. Therefore, we are to obey His commands, because the grace of Christ and His resurrection empowers us.

How can a Christian be a servant to others in our daily interaction with people?

By uplifting and blessing others. In so doing, we follow Jesus, our Leader Who gave His own life as a ransom for our sins.

What can we learn from Jesus’ response to blind Bartimaeus?

In Mark 10:51 the story of Bartimaeus the blind beggar when Jesus asks him what He should do for him, he asks to receive his sight which Jesus immediately restores. Jesus does not disappoint us when we come to him for help in the gospel we will always receive what we ask him.

In conclusion,

As Christians we should cut away those things which if entertained can demoralize the whole being. May God help us to be true disciples in Jesus’ name.

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