Monday, 22 July 2024

Lesson 4 Review: Parables

Lesson 4 Parables


Memory Text: “Then He said to them, ‘Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given. For whoever has, to him more will be given; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him’ ” (Mark 4:24, 25, NKJV).

This week’s study is based on parables and the synoptic Gospels. Mathew, Mark, Luke and John is the anchor of the biblical parables used to highlight Christ’s teachings about the heavenly kingdom and in this week we will unfold more truth and teachings as well.

why did Christ’s teaching involve parables?

Christ in His ministry used a lot of objects to give His teachings about either himself or heaven and so many others, especially in this course of study.

Who is the sower and the soil?

Interesting and amazingly, when Jesus talked about the sower he referred to the heavenly messengers preaching the Gospel and the soil is the hearts of men who listen to the Gospel.

How did Jesus interpret the Gospel of the sower?

Jesus clearly identified the seed as the Word of God and the different soils as the heart of people who are listening to the Gospel preached or sent out.

Why did Jesus teach in parables?

As in the days when the elderly people talk, they use Parables maybe to confuse the children or to make the discussion go deeper. Jesus was seeking the people's attention in His teaching. Jesus used parables to hide the truth from those who were not willing to accept the truth.

What does it mean to light up the lamp and put it under the bed?

This refers to some spiritual act of living as a Christian. Our lives must reach the standard of Christ or heavenly satisfaction. It is either we live to glorify God or to disobedience. As Christians we are to witness to others.

What does the growing seed mean in Jesus’ sermons?

The point Jesus makes is that the kingdom of God, which began very small, will become large and impressive. People in Jesus’ day may have looked down on a preacher from Galilee with His band of disciples, but time has shown that His kingdom of grace continues to expand throughout the world. In witnessing, we sow the seed but the growth is from God. Every seed sown needs time to germinate and when it is harvest, the sower immediately reaps.

What are some spiritual lessons we can learn from nature?

In describing God as omniscience, we mean that He knows everything and everything He created for His own purpose and His own Will. In Christ’s Object Lessons, Jesus uses nature as an illustration for us to learn from.

In conclusion,

True holiness is wholeness in the service of God, this is the condition of true Christian living. Without perfection and holiness then our Christian journey is incomplete. The plan of redemption involved the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus and Jesus is coming to usher us back to His kingdom, may this be our portion in Jesus’ name.

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