
Lesson 1 Review: The Beginning of the Gospel

Introduction Memory Text: “Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and sayin...

Monday 1 July 2024

Lesson 1 Review: The Beginning of the Gospel

Lesson 1 The Beginning of the Gospel


Memory Text: “Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel’ (Mark 1:14, 15, NKJV)

The Gospel of mark is part of the synoptic Gospels which means the combination of Truth and Evidence of Jesus as the Messiah. As few understood the appearance of Jesus more so the light of the Gospel will only shine to those that believe in Him.

According to the memory text, what time was fulfilled?

With Jesus preaching the Gospel at Galilee, John arrested, the prophetic promises were fulfilled. This was the beginning of Christ’s ministry reminding His listeners about the Kingdom of God.

How is Mark introduced in the book of Acts?

It seems probable that John Mark, the most likely author of the Gospel of Mark, was a young man, though the Bible does not give a complete description about him but few words was recorded about him.

Why did Paul reject John Mark, and why did Barnabas give him a second chance?

The reason for Paul’s rejection of the young man is not completely stated in the Bible. Paul had chosen a close friend to help ease the mission’s burden and Barnabas choose to carry John along. 

In Mark 1:1-7 who are the messengers in this chapter? 

In the journey of life, we see ourselves as a walking alone human but in the spirit God is always with us. While the Israelites journeyed in the wilderness, the Godhead, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (Trinity) accompanied them in their journey.

What do we learn from Jesus’ Baptism?

John baptizing Jesus was a remarkable event that took place during the earthly ministry of Jesus, John saw himself unworthy but Jesus still presented himself to fulfill all righteousness. 

What Gospel did Jesus Proclaim? 

First, Jesus spoke about the fulfilment of time prophecy, secondly the kingdom of God according to the promise and thirdly He called for response to the message through repentance.

In conclusion,

The Gospel of mark and the Gospel of Jesus is not different, they are likely the same pronouncing the kingdom of God, and also using imagery and symbols to showcase the kingdom. Mark was a Disciple like Paul, James, Peter and Philip and their messages was to prepare the minds of people for the earth-shaking event that is to take place. May God, through the Gospel message prepare us for this event in Jesus’ name.

3rd Quarter of 2024 Sabbath School Study Guide Introduction

3rd Quarter of 2024 Sabbath School Study Guide Introduction

The theme for the Sabbath School Study Guide for the third quarter of 2024 is “The Book of Mark”. Mark is one of the books in the synoptic Gospels where the teaching of Jesus is expounded to His followers, it is made up of object and imagery to illustrate the Kingdom of Heaven. In this quarter we will talk about Mark, one of the faithful disciples of our Lord Jesus, who put the records into writing to affirm the fulfilment of the prophecy in the synoptic Gospels. In Mark was not a meek-and-mild Jesus instead He is striking, forthright, and powerful. He attacks Satan’s realm, casts out demons, and raises the dead.

Here are the weekly topics for this quarter:






The Beginning of the Gospel

Jun 29 – Jul 05


A Day in the Ministry of Jesus

Jul 06 – Jul 12



Jul 13 – Jul 19



Jul 20 – Jul 26


Miracles Around the Lake

Jul 27 – Aug 02


Inside Out

Aug 03 – Aug 09


Teaching Disciples: Part I

Aug 10 – Aug 16


Teaching Disciples: Part II

Aug 17 – Aug 23


Jerusalem Controversies

Aug 24 – Aug 30


The Last Days

Aug 31 – Sep 06


Taken and Tried

Sep 07 – Sep 13


Tried and  Crucified

Sep 14 – Sep 20


The Risen Lord

Sep 21 – Sep 27