Saturday, 27 July 2024

Lesson 5 Review: Miracles Around the Lake

Lesson 5 Miracles Around the Lake


Memory Text: “However, Jesus did not permit him, but said to him, ‘Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you’ ” (Mark 5:19, NKJV).

Jesus performed many miracles to make it clear to and understood by everyone that truly He is the Messiah, but not many believed in Him. They were a group of people who disobeyed and doubted Him.

Even with Jesus, why would the Disciples fear the storm?

Being a Christian doesn't mean the end of suffering, accepting Jesus into our hearts and homes mean everything is over but difficulties and trials will come to test our faith in Jesus.

What other lessons can be learnt from Jesus’ calming of the storms?

In the ship of hundred only one man can be a captain yet He has no such power to command the storms as Jesus did. Storms may represent areas of life that is full of sorrows and tribulations yet Jesus is the only solution.

What hope can one obtain, even when being attacked by the devil? 

Jesus is the only hope and the reason for our living, without the power of Jesus we can't do nothing. Jesus suffered, died and resurrected, no power of hell could hold Him. Even so, no demon has Dominion over us because Master Jesus lives in us.

In what way can we be a blessing to one another?

It will not be proper for us if we don't find other people progress. Jarius called Jesus to heal his daughter but before Jesus got to Jarius, the woman with an issue of blood got Jesus' attention and got her healing. This means that God's blessings and healing is for everyone.

Why did the people of Jesus' hometown reject Him? 

Jesus in His ministry faced a lot of accusations. He was despised and rejected by His own people maybe because of His teaching but He never gave up. Sometimes we do something better yet people around us do not seem satisfied because they are surrendered to evil.

What makes Jesus a different Kind of Messiah? 

There were scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees yet none of these matched up the level of Jesus. Jesus practiced both theory and practical ministry and this inspired people's lives. On the other hand, the Pharisees only practiced theory and this led to hatred and argument.

What lessons can we learn from Jesus’ feeding of the 5,000 people with few resources?

It may not be easy to share what you have with one another especially in the hard economy of the country, a little is enough when God is involved. This miracle also labels Jesus as the Good Shepherd Who cares for His sheep.

In conclusion,

Christ's ministry was to bring liberty to everyone bound by the devil and to set us above the standard of this world. What we can't do, through the power of the cross and resurrection has been made so easy to do because Jesus is involved. The life, miracles, teachings whispers of the mouth of Jesus brought many closer to His feet to learn and be saved. May God help us to truly accept Jesus into our hearts in Jesus' name.

Monday, 22 July 2024

Lesson 4 Review: Parables

Lesson 4 Parables


Memory Text: “Then He said to them, ‘Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given. For whoever has, to him more will be given; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him’ ” (Mark 4:24, 25, NKJV).

This week’s study is based on parables and the synoptic Gospels. Mathew, Mark, Luke and John is the anchor of the biblical parables used to highlight Christ’s teachings about the heavenly kingdom and in this week we will unfold more truth and teachings as well.

why did Christ’s teaching involve parables?

Christ in His ministry used a lot of objects to give His teachings about either himself or heaven and so many others, especially in this course of study.

Who is the sower and the soil?

Interesting and amazingly, when Jesus talked about the sower he referred to the heavenly messengers preaching the Gospel and the soil is the hearts of men who listen to the Gospel.

How did Jesus interpret the Gospel of the sower?

Jesus clearly identified the seed as the Word of God and the different soils as the heart of people who are listening to the Gospel preached or sent out.

Why did Jesus teach in parables?

As in the days when the elderly people talk, they use Parables maybe to confuse the children or to make the discussion go deeper. Jesus was seeking the people's attention in His teaching. Jesus used parables to hide the truth from those who were not willing to accept the truth.

What does it mean to light up the lamp and put it under the bed?

This refers to some spiritual act of living as a Christian. Our lives must reach the standard of Christ or heavenly satisfaction. It is either we live to glorify God or to disobedience. As Christians we are to witness to others.

What does the growing seed mean in Jesus’ sermons?

The point Jesus makes is that the kingdom of God, which began very small, will become large and impressive. People in Jesus’ day may have looked down on a preacher from Galilee with His band of disciples, but time has shown that His kingdom of grace continues to expand throughout the world. In witnessing, we sow the seed but the growth is from God. Every seed sown needs time to germinate and when it is harvest, the sower immediately reaps.

What are some spiritual lessons we can learn from nature?

In describing God as omniscience, we mean that He knows everything and everything He created for His own purpose and His own Will. In Christ’s Object Lessons, Jesus uses nature as an illustration for us to learn from.

In conclusion,

True holiness is wholeness in the service of God, this is the condition of true Christian living. Without perfection and holiness then our Christian journey is incomplete. The plan of redemption involved the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus and Jesus is coming to usher us back to His kingdom, may this be our portion in Jesus’ name.

Monday, 15 July 2024

Lesson 3 Review: Controversies

Lesson 3 Controversies


Memory Text: “And He said to them, ‘The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath’ ” (Mark 2:27, 28, NKJV).

The teaching of Jesus in the temple is a supernatural difference of what the religious leaders of times could not understand, when Jesus was faced with questions Jesus answered every question correctly.

what does it mean ''The Son of Man is the Lord of the Sabbath''? 

when talking about the son of man as the Lord of the Sabbath, it's a confessing statement as Jesus the commander and the originator of worship who instruct every human for genuine service.

And Jesus saw their Faith, how can our faith be visible for everyone to see? 

when Jesus was crowded with friends and disciples, the sick man could not see Jesus but rather than going back as they came they opened up the roof top and sent the sick man to Jesus and that was the expression of Faith in Jesus.

What lessons can we learn from Jesus' calling of His disciples?

There were spiritual and physical ideas in calling and making a friend, Jesus didn't select the graduated or the experienced ones. Whosoever, Jesus called he qualified them for the service. This means man may neglect us but God is willing to partner with us if we make ourselves available.

What was the Pharisees mindset towards the Sabbath?

In the ancient times during and before the ministry of Jesus the wrong ideas of Sabbath worship were wide spread, but Jesus gave out the proper instant of worship, though the Pharisees were against Him (Jesus) yet He prevails.

What is the unpardonable sin, and what does that mean to us?

Our God is a God of Love and mercy but not to be taken for granted, when Jesus warning against blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, he was referring to denying the power of God's grace that plead for human guilts. In a way, it means neglecting the warning spirit of God over sin.

Read Mark 3:31-35, Was Jesus Neglecting His family members?

No, of course not. Jesus looking around at people who are willing to hear and learn about the keys to unlock the door of heavenly kingdom called them brothers and sisters and mothers. Jesus was about His Father's business and He came for all.

In conclusion,

We are living in the darkest hour of earth's history where Controversies arise and we know the champions of this conflict with good is the host of darkness. Jesus experienced difficulties in His earthly ministry, we too may experience the same, but we glorify Glory for overcoming the devil on our behalf, may this victory be ours indeed in Jesus' name.

Monday, 8 July 2024

Lesson 2 Review: A Day in the Ministry of Jesus

Lesson 2 A Day in the Ministry of Jesus


Memory Text: “Then Jesus said to them, ‘Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men’ ” (Mark 1:17, NKJV)

 The Bible presented Jesus as the Priest, Prophet and as the Preacher of the Gospel too, just as His disciples did but the greater difference is, He's from above and He's above all things.

Why was the calling of the Disciples so important?

Jesus knew and understood the purpose of His coming to this sinful world to redeem man so He made His Disciples to be on the alerting side so as to reach out to everyone one on Earth.

What makes it possible for the Disciples to follow Jesus?

All the evidence of good works was shown in Him and the power of His anointing, Jesus didn't give them money or silver or gold neither did he promise them but he assured them life eternal when the work is done.

What has been the unforgettable experience in our worship?

Worship has been a heartfelt experience to every believer who open up their hearts to God, our miracles may not be at Capernaum or at the synagogue but in every worship, God prepares to touch every soul leaving no single one the same.

How does the Sabbath worship bring healing to our homes?

In view of Peter's mother's in-law example, every day we spent with God together can never be in vain. God wants us to have that experience of spiritual growth so that through our testimony others may know the true God.

Why should prayers be a key point in ministry for ministers to learn?

Not just a prayer of disturbances or noise-making is mentioned here, it is a prayer that involves unveiling and pouring out our hearts to God, seeking for help and powers from above. It's about making it most important in our lives.

What lessons can we obtain here about Jesus' healing of a leper?

Not everyone loves boasting, it is not even good to brag, there's always a danger to those involved in boasting or bragging. We need to be like Jesus when meeting the needs of others, we don't need to publicize it but give thanks to God alone.

How is Jesus' ministry different from what we have today?

While some might serve God with carnal intention, seeking after their self-glorification which may results in danger and vanity, Jesus had never done anything outside the plan of the Father but doing everything according to the will of God, so is the plan of God toward us all.

In conclusion,

Jesus' ministry was the best and the simplest, he gave His best just to fulfill the requirements of promises. If we must be like God or see God then we must be humble for people to come and be blessed by God, if we don't bring people to God or point them to the cross then our task remains incomplete. May Jesus help us to be able to bring people to Him in Jesus' name.

Monday, 1 July 2024

Lesson 1 Review: The Beginning of the Gospel

Lesson 1 The Beginning of the Gospel


Memory Text: “Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel’ (Mark 1:14, 15, NKJV)

The Gospel of mark is part of the synoptic Gospels which means the combination of Truth and Evidence of Jesus as the Messiah. As few understood the appearance of Jesus more so the light of the Gospel will only shine to those that believe in Him.

According to the memory text, what time was fulfilled?

With Jesus preaching the Gospel at Galilee, John arrested, the prophetic promises were fulfilled. This was the beginning of Christ’s ministry reminding His listeners about the Kingdom of God.

How is Mark introduced in the book of Acts?

It seems probable that John Mark, the most likely author of the Gospel of Mark, was a young man, though the Bible does not give a complete description about him but few words was recorded about him.

Why did Paul reject John Mark, and why did Barnabas give him a second chance?

The reason for Paul’s rejection of the young man is not completely stated in the Bible. Paul had chosen a close friend to help ease the mission’s burden and Barnabas choose to carry John along. 

In Mark 1:1-7 who are the messengers in this chapter? 

In the journey of life, we see ourselves as a walking alone human but in the spirit God is always with us. While the Israelites journeyed in the wilderness, the Godhead, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (Trinity) accompanied them in their journey.

What do we learn from Jesus’ Baptism?

John baptizing Jesus was a remarkable event that took place during the earthly ministry of Jesus, John saw himself unworthy but Jesus still presented himself to fulfill all righteousness. 

What Gospel did Jesus Proclaim? 

First, Jesus spoke about the fulfilment of time prophecy, secondly the kingdom of God according to the promise and thirdly He called for response to the message through repentance.

In conclusion,

The Gospel of mark and the Gospel of Jesus is not different, they are likely the same pronouncing the kingdom of God, and also using imagery and symbols to showcase the kingdom. Mark was a Disciple like Paul, James, Peter and Philip and their messages was to prepare the minds of people for the earth-shaking event that is to take place. May God, through the Gospel message prepare us for this event in Jesus’ name.

3rd Quarter of 2024 Sabbath School Study Guide Introduction

3rd Quarter of 2024 Sabbath School Study Guide Introduction

The theme for the Sabbath School Study Guide for the third quarter of 2024 is “The Book of Mark”. Mark is one of the books in the synoptic Gospels where the teaching of Jesus is expounded to His followers, it is made up of object and imagery to illustrate the Kingdom of Heaven. In this quarter we will talk about Mark, one of the faithful disciples of our Lord Jesus, who put the records into writing to affirm the fulfilment of the prophecy in the synoptic Gospels. In Mark was not a meek-and-mild Jesus instead He is striking, forthright, and powerful. He attacks Satan’s realm, casts out demons, and raises the dead.

Here are the weekly topics for this quarter:






The Beginning of the Gospel

Jun 29 – Jul 05


A Day in the Ministry of Jesus

Jul 06 – Jul 12



Jul 13 – Jul 19



Jul 20 – Jul 26


Miracles Around the Lake

Jul 27 – Aug 02


Inside Out

Aug 03 – Aug 09


Teaching Disciples: Part I

Aug 10 – Aug 16


Teaching Disciples: Part II

Aug 17 – Aug 23


Jerusalem Controversies

Aug 24 – Aug 30


The Last Days

Aug 31 – Sep 06


Taken and Tried

Sep 07 – Sep 13


Tried and  Crucified

Sep 14 – Sep 20


The Risen Lord

Sep 21 – Sep 27