Saturday, 18 May 2024

Lesson 8 Review: Light From the Sanctuary

Lesson 8 Light From the Sanctuary


Memory Text: “We have such a High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, a Minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which the Lord erected, and not man” (Hebrews 8:1,2, NKJV).

The cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary was the fulfillment of the cleansing of the earthly sanctuary. Here is the parallel between Daniel 7 and Daniel 8 that can help in understanding this truth,

Daniel 7

Daniel 8









Judgment in Heaven

Cleansing of the sanctuary

It is very important for us as a Christian to understand Christ work in the heavenly sanctuary, I think it will help us shape our lives in accordance to the will of God.

What two sanctuaries are outlined in Exodus 25:8, 9, 40 and Hebrews 8:1-6?

The one Moses built and the great original in heaven. The earthly sanctuary was made according to the pattern of the heavenly sanctuary. The “true tabernacle” in heaven is the sanctuary of the new covenant.

What sanctuary does the prophecy of 2,300 days in Daniel 8:14 refer to?

As the prophecy of Daniel 8:14 is fulfilled in this era, the sanctuary to which it refers must be the sanctuary of the new covenant, the sanctuary in heaven.

How are we free from the condemnation of sin?

We are free from the condemnation of sin because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross of Calvary.

What other role does Jesus play apart from being the sacrificial Lamb for our sins?

Jesus’s sacrifice is not only the Lamb who died for us but also the Priest who lives for us making intercession for us.

why is the cleansing of the sanctuary so important?

the cleansing of the sanctuary was the fulfilment of the prophecy to those who believed in Christ Jesus.

what's the difference between earthly and heavenly sanctuary?

The different between the earthly sanctuary and heavenly sanctuary is that the earthly sanctuary was built by man and the heavenly sanctuary is built by God himself but the same ordinance are carried out.

why was the day of atonement so important to the ancient Israel?

this day was so important because all the sin of the children of God was cast upon scape goat (Azazel) representing Satan being the cause of sin, it was also known as the judgement day and the day to restore righteousness.

why do believers trust in God's judgement?

the essence of God's judgement is to bring equal justice to every human God created, no neutral ground is either we stand for righteousness or against God.

how are we to approach God in the sanctuary?

today's world is not different from that of the apostles where we, believers, are encouraged that approaching God in the sanctuary should be with boldness as the ultimate solution to those that are afflicted.

if God is the Judge, and Jesus our advocate, what good news does it bring to us?

Christ return to the earth will be an earth-shaking event to everyone both great and small, everyone will enter God's Court, and books or records of every human will be seen. For those who knew and stand for righteousness Christ will claim them as His children and set them free.

In Conclusion,

God has done everything possible that man should not experience eternal death since We cannot answer the charges of Satan against us. Eternal Life and death is but a choice to everyone. we must trust on God to help us and make the right decision in our lives. May we trust in God in Jesus' name.

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