Sunday, 5 May 2024

Lesson 6 Review: The Two Witnesses

Lesson 6 The Two Witnesses


Memory Text: “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever” (Isaiah 40:8, NKJV).

The Christians, many years ago, who believed in God's word were tortured, imprisoned, harassed and killed yet the hope of Christ in them was a kindles fire that could never be quenched by anyone. Even today, amidst trials our hearts should long for the beautiful Zion.

what inspired Tyndale to spread the word of God despite tough times?

though Tyndale was attacked for holding up the truth, that was not the end of the case, his superior backup was the power that called him to the tasks he held up to. The Roman bishop who burnt up the Bible thought he burnt up the truth not knowing that God had raised up his prophets to continue from where Tyndale stopped.

who are the two witnesses and what are their roles to play?

we see the two witnesses as the word of God, both old and new testaments. While many Christians will reject the Old Testament writings and accept the New Testament, the Word of God both the New and Old Testament are just and true and gives light to everyone who believes in God. In this dark world of evil, The light of God's word sets us free from evil.

What are some of the teachings today, that are based on tradition and not on the Word of God?

The greatest deception of mankind that ever came upon man came when the Bible was held up by the Roman Bishop and the light of God's word was hidden for a while. The deception we see today in Christendom is a result of God's word being taken away from the people. The absence of God's word, caused all kinds of false teachings to creep into the church but thanks be to God that the truth prevails.

How were the two witnesses killed?

the manifestation of God's word written in Bible prophecies is clear, Daniel understood what would befall God's word. God was declared nonexistent, and death was pronounced to be an endless sleep. Satan worked through godless men to kill God’s two witnesses and the hope of God's people was buried along the way but God remains faithful.

How did God resurrect the two witnesses?

God’s Word may be attacked or suppressed but it will never be eradicated. The light that was quenched got brighter than before vanishing away darkness, God raised up men and women such as Luther, William Carey, who were committed to taking the gospel to the ends of the earth. The more the word of God was burnt the more it was printed again for its purpose.

what triumphant event took place when the truth revived?

Despite the attacks of the enemy, God’s work on earth will come to a glorious climax. The gospel will be preached to “every nation, tribe, tongue, and people" and those who love Jesus and serve Him with passion will always be ready to give their best to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus to be preached in every Generation.

In conclusion,

God has done everything possible to bring man closer to Himself but the power of darkness is also trying to separate man from God. Apostle Paul in his writing asked, "What can separate us from the love of God is it sickness, sin, torture, pains, hardship?" Nothing can separate us from God because He who calls us to Himself is faithful and merciful to fulfill His promises in our lives. Even so we pray in Jesus' name.

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