Sunday, 17 March 2024

Lesson 12 Review: Worship That Never Ends

Lesson 12 Worship That Never Ends


Memory Text: "I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to God while I have my being" (Psalms 104:33)

Worship in every century has been a major task in the life of every human being, knowingly or unknowingly people worship either something or someone but the Main interest is on the reasons why they worship it, we need to know that whatever we worship determines our eternal destiny.

why should our worship be more personal and not depend on others? 

considering His greatness in our lives, worshipping God should be more personal and committed to it, The inevitable reply is to devote one's life to being faithful to God. In the Psalms, Israel is not simply a nation but a great assembly.

what are the most effective ways we can share the good news (Gospel) to the world?

undoubtedly, that seeing is believing. people may not believe the Gospel of our Lord Jesus until it is well seen in us both the miracles he has done in our lives and the transforming power of God in our characters too.

what "Song" does the writer refer to as a new song here?

the writer does not mean composing of the song or strange song to confuse the worshippers but rather is a usual praise or recognition for the promised fulfilled and Deliverance from enemies and from death, and God's special favor toward His Children are some of the more personal motives to sing a new song.

Who are the people worthy of worshiping in God's presence?

The sanctuary was a holy place, and everything in it, including the priests was consecrated, Thus, holiness is a mandatory requirement for entering the presence of God.

people whose hearts are ready to meet Christ's perfection is the worshiper's greatest quality before God.

How are we to declare His Glory to all the Nations?

Israel was a nation that God formed and called to Himself not for nothing sake but to declare the God of peace to all who knew Him not even so our we also who were gentiles but by grace and by spirit we are called to lift up the banners of our living God for the world to know that there's God reign supreme forever.

why does God not delight in our sacrifice?

In ancient Israel some worship was not ordinary, people came with a sacrificing gift to offer unto God. but most of those gifts God didn't accept based on the heart that presented it to God, the heart that acts contrary to the will of God, his gifts and sacrifice are an abomination before God.

In Conclusion,

There are many who fail to understand the true nature of repentance, maybe because of the sinful environment we find ourselves, God owns the power of conviction and transformation, but we have to do the work of ministration to let people know their human weaknesses and turn to God through His Word as God will help us to make better decisions in Jesus' name.

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