Wednesday, 1 February 2023


 Genesis 1:1 — In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis confirms that God is the source of existence.

This same God, the Creator of all things came up with the plan to save man who by their choice denied this same God in allegiance to the devil.

This same God, not only is our Creator but our Redeemer.

These roles God plays do not contradict His identity, for God is Love.

These roles spurn out from His Love.

Job Interviewers can easily tell much about their interviewees simply from the way they appear, but more readily can these interviewers predict by their assessments their fitness for the job at hand, but these predictions are only insignificant in number to the multitude of roles this person can play.

                Humans are known to naturally react according to the situation, but more fascinating is when this reaction is in sharp contrast to the overall identity of the person.

1 Samuel 16:17 — ‘“… for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.’”

Your fellow man/even a brother/friend may make sure promises to you and still fail in fulfilling them.

                This accounts for why a very close friend can easily turn into a dreadful enemy.

A woman can also deny the baby of her body for the same reason.

One who would not as much to engage in a quarrel with an offender would kill even the innocent for the same reason.


The heart is deceitful, who can understand it? More deceitful is the outward appearance.

Sadly, this is man’s preferred way of judgment.


Describing a Chameleon by its color is describing who a man is by its appearance.


I can imagine the great amount of leaves that beautiful fig tree had, none would have thought that as much as one fruit would not be found in it; but lo there was no fruit.

The Attitude of the Pharisees — Matthew 23:1-7 exposes the lifestyle of the Pharisees and Scribes.

At that time, they could be seen as the closest to God,

                How more deceptive can it be than the deception that leads to eternal death?

                These Priests taught in the synagogues, but these same Priests in their actions were in sharp contrast to what they taught,

They lay burdens on people’s shoulders that they would not dare to move with the tip of their fingers.

Woe to Scribes and Pharisees

Matthew 23:13, 14, 15, 16, 23, 25, 27, 29.

As you listen to these words, the question that should be in your minds is “Who am I?”

Am I hot?

Am I cold?

You certainly cannot be lukewarm.

                Jesus did not condemn the woman caught in adultery, He rather condemned those who appeared to be guiltless of the same crime.

                All who were healed by Jesus were known for their sicknesses and weaknesses.

Many times, Jesus mingled with people previously labeled as the worst of sinners by those under the disguise of pretense.


The same person who attends church activities is the same person who sits among drunks to drink.

                The Same person who teaches fellow members to keep the Sabbath day is the same person who by his/her actions completely nullifies his/her teachings.


                The Church was known to have been rid of Christians who were not devoted during the persecutions in the first century.

But after persecutions ceased and false doctrines crept into the church, tares began to appear among the wheat.


                Woe to the Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!

                Never has any other been rebuked this way by Jesus on earth, even Jesus forgave the very people who wanted Him crucified, but to the Hypocrites of God’s word He said, “Woe”.

                It is high time we live up to our identity.

                If all the Seventh-Day Adventists were true to their faith, this gospel would have long reached everyone.


Imagine complaining to the authorities about an exam fixed on the Sabbath, and then a good number of people in the authority know a good number of students who are Seventh-day Adventists that sit for the exams on Saturday.


Come out from Babylon, Brethren, the same person cannot be good and bad at the same time.

It is either we serve God or mammon.

A song goes thus;

“Hallelujah Brother, Practice, Practice what you preach!

Practice, Practice What You preach.

I’m here to tell you that it’s what you do not what you say that is gonna count on judgment day,

So practice, practice what you preach.”


How pitiful it is to someone who after playing two contrasting roles ends up in hell with another who was true to his/her works of evil.


God is One, His path is one narrow way, and there are not many paths with God.

                Instead of looking for a middle path where there are nine, choose the path that leads to life and God will lead you in that path in Jesus' Name.

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