Sunday 28 January 2024

Lesson 5 Review: Singing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land

Lesson 5 Singing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land


Memory Text: "How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?" (Ps 137:4)

In a little while, if only the saints will be patient and stand firm in the oaths of the God who cares about them we will all be ushered into the heavenly Canaan with a song that no man will understand except God alone.

Despite facing evil, how can we concrete our Faith in the word of God?

The people's victory in ancient Israel even in lives today depends on the constant perseverance in the word of God.

Read Psalm 103:3-7, what message can you learn from this?

Sometimes, The Lord may permit suffering to come into the lives of his children just to remind us of our helplessness and draw us close to God.

How do we feel about God's absence in our lives?

Life without God is like a wilderness in which nothing fruitful can come, so as empty as we are, God filled us with his riches in Glory.

What can we learn from God's Promises?

God cannot fail, even when we doubt his saving power by the power of his promise God is faithful to fulfill all that he has promised to His children.

What should the modern believers learn from this?

Most Christians today believe that life is a bed of roses where there'll be no trials or temptation, but God wants us to be ready at all times in life to face whatever comes our way.

In Conclusion,

The book of Psalms should be the Christian's war tools, learning about and learning to improve the standard of our spiritual well-being, even as God will give us help in Jesus’ name.

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