Memory Text: “And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me’ ” (Matthew 25:40, NKJV).
God uses
others to help us, or He uses us to help others. By helping others in need, we
are modeling the ministry of Jesus Christ. We are to draw close to strangers
as the Bible instructs and by winning their confidence we can find better ways
of helping them find Jesus. Helping is the central part of what it means to be
a Christian and what the mission must include.
What lesson can we draw from this story of the paralytic in the Gospels
about mission and ministry?
God is calling us to be like the friends of the paralytic-to lead the needy to Jesus
Christ. This work requires faith, action, patience, and a willingness, if need
be, to be unconventional.
How does Jesus demonstrate how to help the helpless?
First, we become their friends; then we learn about their
needs; and finally, we lead them to Jesus, who is the only One who can help them.
The men in the story of the paralytic did this, we are to do likewise.
What is the five-step process of Jesus’ method to minister,
especially to those in need?
‘First, we must mingle with the helpless, spend time getting
to know them, and understand their needs with the intention of doing good for
‘Second, we need to show sympathy.’
‘The third step is to minister to their needs.’
‘The fourth step is winning their confidence.’
‘The last step is to help lead them to Jesus, an act that requires
faith from both you and the one whom you help.’
What is the gospel’s message to us concerning immigrants and refugees?
Jesus was a refugee in Egypt because His earthly parents
had to flee Bethlehem, so refugees and immigrants among us indeed need our
help. The gospel calls us to get out of our ethnic, national, and cultural comfort
zones and to reach out to those in need, even immigrants and refugees, regardless
of how different from us they might be. Begin with prayer, then seek
information on immigrants and refugees.
What are the principles of being Jesus’ helper?
We are to meet the needs of people purely because they need
help, even though we don’t know when or if they will accept Jesus. However,
reaching them for Jesus is the foundation of mission. One who wants to help
must have the goal of showing selfless love towards them, understanding their
needs first before trying to help them. The need may be more than money or
physical things.
What vital point does Thursday’s lesson make?
The needs never end, we should do what we can, when we
can to help. Jesus helped those who could not help themselves. Sometimes, Jesus
went to them, and sometimes they came to Him as in the story of the paralytic in
Luke 5. Irrespective of gender, color, race, or nationalism, we should never
relent in helping the needy.
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