Saturday, 4 November 2023

Lesson 6 Review: Motivation and Preparation for Mission


Lesson 6 Motivation and Preparation for Mission


Memory Text: “ ‘These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me’ ” (Luke 24:44, NKJV).

‘Whether in “pretense or in truth,” Christ is preached-and that is what mattered to Paul. Ideally, though, our motives for preaching Christ, for mission, for reaching others with good news, should be out of love, and out of truth-and not from selfish ambition, envy, or strife.’ This week’s lesson will give us some motivations for preaching Christ and preparing for preaching Christ.

What motivation is mentioned in Sunday’s lesson?

The motivation pointed out in Sunday’s lesson concerns letting others know about what Jesus has done. This alone is enough to motivate others. Like Peter, the people shared may not accept it at first, but later. However, to share our experience with Jesus, we need such experience. We can’t share what we do not have.

What element should we use to sustain our experiences with Jesus?

Our experiences with Jesus can only be sustained with the foundation of His word, including the prophecies that point to the history and events leading up to, and including, the first and second advents of Christ. Jesus Christ, even after showing His pierced hands and side, turned the people to the Word of God for them to understand why He needed to die and be resurrected.

What motivation is mentioned in Monday’s lesson?

The Word of God.

How did the disciples of Jesus prepare as they waited for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit?

First, Luke says they continued in united prayer and supplication. Secondly, they prepared logistically for their mission, they made a replacement for Judas, the one who betrayed Jesus.

What motivations are pointed out in Tuesday’s lesson?

Knowing Jesus’ mission inspires us to unite in Prayer, encouraging each other, organizing, aligning with God’s priority-the saving of the lost, both on a personal and church level, and planning for the mission.

What motivation is pointed out in Wednesday’s lesson?

Working together, in harmony with the Holy Spirit, these followers of Jesus preached repentance and forgiveness of sins-even for those who may have been directly involved in the crucifixion of Jesus! That’s the power of the gospel. This is the motivation, the power of Jesus Christ to save the sinner.

What other thing does Wednesday’s lesson point out?

Our gifts or blessings are not merely for our selfish desires. They are meant for others, to carry out God’s mission.

How does Acts 2 end?

Acts 2 ends with a beautiful picture, with the idea that these newly baptized believers became part of the group as equals propagating love and God’s mission.

What was the core function of the early Christian church?


How were new members added to the early church discipled?

First, they continued to be taught by the apostle’s doctrine and fellowship. They learned the application of the truth in their relationship as a group. They were under the supervision and leadership of the spiritually mature and grounded apostles.

What motivation is mentioned in Thursday’s lesson?

Motivation comes from seeing others and the reality of their experience with Christ.

In Conclusion,

There are a lot of motivations to prepare one for God's mission, but it all comes down to whether we want to be motivated or not. I pray that God helps us to make the right choice in partaking in God’s mission in Jesus’ name.

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