Sunday 25 June 2023

3rd Quarter of 2023 Sabbath School Study Guide Introduction

3rd Quarter of 2023 Sabbath School Study Guide Introduction

The theme for the Sabbath School Study Guide for the Third Quarter of 2023 is "Ephesians". As Paul seeks to draw believers in Ephesus into fresh devotion to their Lord, he does not dumb down the demands of Christian discipleship. Paul develops four metaphors in pursuing the importance of being part of God’s church. Believers make up the body of Christ demonstrating their devotion to Christ and their unity to each other. They are a living temple, built through the sacrifice of Christ on Calvary, in which God is worshipped. They are the bride of Christ, who look toward a grand marriage ceremony when the bridegroom comes to claim them as His own. They are the army of Christ, which wages peace in His name, combating the forces of darkness in God’s strength as they look toward Christ’s return. Ephesians speaks to times like our own, in which the allure of the world and the passing of time threaten to dull Christian discipleship. Ephesians lifts up Christ and accents the significance of following Him as faithful members of His Church as we live out the hope of His return.

Here is an outline for the weekly topics for this quarter:





Paul and the Ephesians

June 24 - June 30


God’s Grand, Christ-Centered Plan

July 01 - July 07


The Power of the Exalter Jesus

July 08 - July 14


How God Rescues Us

July 15 - July 21


Horizontal Atonement: The Cross and the Church

July 22 - July 28


The Mystery of the Gospel

July 29 - August 04


The Unified Body of Christ

August 05 - August 11


Christ-Shaped Lives and Spirit-Inspired Speech

August 12 - August 18


Living Wisely

August 19 - August 25


Husbands and Wives: Together at the Cross

August 26 - September 01


Practicing Supreme Loyalty to Christ

September 02 - September 08


The Call to Stand

September 09 - September 15


Waging Peace

September 16 - September 22


Ephesians in the Heart

September 23 - September 29


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