Sunday, 9 April 2023

Lesson 3 Review: The Everlasting Gospel


Lesson 3 The Everlasting Gospel


Memory Text: “Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth¾to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people” (Revelation 14:6, NKJV).

The three angels’ messages in Revelation 14:6-12 define who we are as Seventh-day Adventists and describe our mission to the world. The three angel’s message is our unique prophetic identity. It is our Shema, the prayer that reminded the Jews of the spiritual vision.

What is the book of Revelation about?

‘Revelation is all about Jesus. It is His message to His people and is especially applicable to His church in the last days. It is the grace-filled message of our end-time hope.’

What is the message of Revelation?

Christ is described as the lamb from which our sins are forgiven. ‘Grace pardons our past, empowers our present, and provides hope for our future. That is, in Christ we are delivered from sin’s presence. This is the message of the final book, Revelation.’ It is an urgent message, grace-filled messages are contained in Revelation first pictured in the three angels’ message.

What does Christ’s death for our sins and resurrection do for us?

Christ’s death and resurrection for our sins delivers us from the sin’s power and penalties. However, we accept this grace by faith.

What are the four points in Romans 3:24-26; 5:6-8?

1.       ‘We are justified freely by grace.

2.       Grace is a declaration of God’s righteousness.

3.       Grace justifies those who by faith accept Jesus.

4.       God’s love was demonstrated for us while we were yet sinners.’

What in Monday’s lesson helps explain why it is called “the everlasting gospel”?

‘And this plan, the plan of salvation, had been put in place even before the beginning of time (2 Tim. 1:9, Titus 1:9, Eph. 1:4), which helps explain why it is called “the everlasting” gospel.’

When was the plan of salvation conceived in the mind God?

The plan of salvation was conceived in the mind of God before our first parents’ rebellion in Eden.

What does love require?

Love requires choice, it cannot be forced.

What does the freedom of choice imply?

With freedom to choose comes to the freedom to choose the wrong option.

What does the “eternal gospel” speak about?

It speaks of the past, the present and also is the basis of a future with hope. ‘It speaks of living eternally with the One whose heart is aching to be with us forever.’

What is to be done according to the urgent, end-time message of the first of the three angels?

The “everlasting gospel” is to be proclaimed to every nation, tribe tongue and people.

What should this commission inspire in us?

It should inspire with something larger than ourselves and leads us out of that narrow confines of our minds to a grander vision.

What does it mean that we are given this task and Matthew 28:19, 20 says so too?

The commission given by God described in Revelation 14 is the greatest task ever committed to the church. It is an earnest appeal to give our lives to heaven’s grandest task to reveal God’s incomprehensible love just before Jesus’ return. There is nothing more inspiring, more fulfilling, more rewarding than being part of those who accomplish this task.

What should be the grandest reason to motivate us to go preach the word?

Jesus is coming soon and the message of end-time must go to the entire world.

In Conclusion,

What a great honor to be tasked by God with the responsibility of proclaiming the God’s incomprehensible love to the world. I pray that we faithful carry out this task, with urgency knowing that the time is near in Jesus’ name.

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