Saturday, 2 April 2022

Lesson 2 Review: The Fall

Lesson 2 The Fall


Memory Text: “’And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel’” (Genesis 3:15, NKJV).

God gave man in the beginning everything good, but the knowledge of evil was kept away from man. However, disobedience led to Man’s fall, and the relationship was broken. Amidst this tragedy, God made a promise to save us from the consequences of our sins, which should lead to death, this hope is called, “protoevangelium” or “the first gospel promise.”

Who is the serpent?

The Serpent according to Isaiah 27:1 is the enemy of God and is explicitly called “the Devil and Satan” (Rev 12:9, NKJV). Likewise, in the ancient Near East, the serpent personified the power of evil.

What is the best defense against the deceptions of Satan?

The best defense we have against the deceptions of Satan is the word of God, it is the defense that Jesus used against Satan when He was tempted and it is only by it and God’s mercies that we can be saved from the deceptions of Satan.

What were Satan’s two arguments on the commandment of God?

Immortality of the Soul – God said in the day that man eats of the forbidden fruit He shall surely die, however, Satan contradicts this statement by saying, “…shall not surely die”

Being like God – God already made man be like Him, but the knowledge of evil was to be kept from them, but Satan argues thus “For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.

Why did Adam and Eve feel the need to hide before God?

They felt the need to hide before God because they were naked, the glory of God that covered them had been taken away and because of this, they could not behold the face of God. 

Why did God ask the question “Where are you?”?

God asked the question for the benefit of the guilty, He wanted them to understand what they had done and also it was a means of bringing them to repentance.

How did Adam and Eve seek to justify their behavior?

They sought to do so by shifting blame, which did not justify what they had already done.

What hope is implied in Genesis 3:15?

The hope implied in Genesis 3:15 is the hope of redemption. Despite the troubles that the knowledge of evil may have brought on us, those troubles will be gone.

What happened to Adam and Eve and how were they supposed to find hope in all that had happened to them?

The knowledge of evil brought curses on the serpent and the ground, the woman would now go through painful childbearing and man would have to till the ground. However, there was hope in all of these, the woman’s painful childbearing was to be seen in a positive way of salvation, and the Seed that would come through her will bruise the head of the serpent.

In Conclusion,

Everything God created was good until man disobeyed God. This disobedience led to curses, but amidst this tragedy, God provided them hope, despite the fall, He did not give up on us. His will is for us to come to repentance, and by so doing we will be able to share in the Salvation God has prepared for us. I pray that we all share in this hope in Jesus’ name.

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