Saturday, 12 February 2022

Lesson 8 Review: Jesus, the Mediator of the New Covenant

Lesson 8 Jesus, the Mediator of the New Covenant


Memory Text: “But as it is, Christ has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates is better, since it is enacted on better promises” (Hebrews 8:6, ESV).

We have been saved not only because of Jesus’ death on the cross but also because of Jesus’ perfect obedience as required by the covenant. Hence, Jesus is our perfect example.

Why was there a need for a new covenant?

There was a need for a new covenant because the old covenant could not provide perfection, the animal sacrifices offered through the Levitical Priests could not provide true, total cleansing from sin, or access to God.

What exactly was the issue with the old covenant?

The first covenant was broken; the problem is not from the covenant itself but the people. If the Israelites were faithful and seen through the covenant to the coming Messiah, it would not have been broken.

What is the nature of the new covenant?

The new covenant does not have curses, but blessings because Jesus perfectly fulfilled it thereby becoming a curse for us. His son became a guarantee for our salvation.

Why is Jesus a better mediator of the covenant?

Jesus is a better mediator of the covenant than Moses is because He ministers in the heavenly sanctuary and has offered Himself as a perfect sacrifice for us. While Moses reflected the glory of God, Jesus was the glory of God. While Moses had spoken with God face to face, Jesus is God’s word personified.

What is the similarity between the promises in Exodus 24:1-8 and Hebrews 10:5-10?

The condition for the fulfillment of these promises is obedience, it was a case of obedience even for first parents, in the old covenant and in the new covenant too.

What is the difference between the promise in Exodus 24:1-8 and Hebrews 10:5-10?

Jesus’ obedience guaranteed our new covenant promises, unlike the old covenant promises that had been broken as a result of our disobedience. Anyone who is with Christ will partake of the covenant promises. The new covenant also has the Holy Spirit present to empower us to fulfill His law.

Why did the Israelites still show faithlessness even after God had written the law in their hearts?

God had promised to put the law in their minds and hearts rather than in a stone or on a scroll, but the Israelites failed to keep the law because they had a stubborn heart, therefore it was impossible for them to do the right thing.

In Conclusion,

True love for God is expressed in obedience, love is not forced and if we say we love God we are to keep His commandments. Jesus is a better Mediator because of His perfect obedience, set Jesus as your perfect example and you will receive the covenant promises. I pray that we all show our love to God through obedience in Jesus’ name.

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