Saturday, 26 February 2022

Lesson 10 Review: Jesus Opens the Way Through the Veil


Lesson 10 Jesus Opens the Way Through the Veil


Memory Text: “For Christ has not entered the holy place made with hands, which are copies of the true, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us” (Hebrews 9:24, NKJV).

Jesus’ ascension marks the moment that the new covenant, which provides the means through which we can approach God boldly through faith, has been inaugurated.

What was the purpose of Jesus’ ascension to heaven according to Hebrews 9:24?

The purpose of Jesus’ ascension to heaven was to appear before God with a better sacrifice, His own blood. In so doing, He fulfilled the pilgrimage feasts’ prophetic significance by dying on the day for the preparation of the Passover at the ninth hour, resurrected the third day and ascended to heaven to receive assurance that His sacrifice had been accepted.

What should the experience of the Israelites at Mount Sinai teach us about meeting before God?

The Israelites were consecrated for two days and on the third day, they all went up the mountain to meet with God. God wanted them to learn to fear and respect Him but out of faithlessness they were afraid and wanted that Moses rather be the intermediary through which God would communicate with them. This explains in a way the experience of the Israelites, however, being with God can arouse fear in Us but now because of what Jesus has done for Us, we can appear boldly before God’s presence.

How does Jesus act as our veil?

The veil served as a protection for the imperfect people before God as God would not entertain the sight of sin. Now, Jesus as our Priest also acts as our veil. Through Jesus’ incarnation, God pitched His tent in our midst and made it possible for us to contemplate His glory. Through Jesus, it becomes possible for a holy God to live among imperfect people.

Why should we accept Jesus’ invitation through the new and living way with confidence?

We should accept this invitation with confidence because we have our faith in Jesus who intercedes for us and with the accuser of the brethren out of the way, we can claim salvation for ourselves.

In what sense have we arrived at the heavenly Jerusalem into the presence of God?

The heavenly sanctuary belongs to the realm of the things “hoped for” and “not seen” but assured to us through faith. In a sense, we have already arrived at the heavenly sanctuary through our representative, Jesus.

In Conclusion,

Jesus is the way through which we can appear boldly before God, because of His sacrifice sinful imperfect men can be made to appear before God. However, we have to have faith in Jesus, if we want to be able to appear before God, this faith has its anchor on a strong historical anchor. I pray that we all have the grace to have our faith in Jesus, the One who opens the way through the veil in Jesus’ name.

Saturday, 19 February 2022

Lesson 9 Review: Jesus, the Perfect Sacrifice

Lesson 9 Jesus, the Perfect Sacrifice


Memory Text: “For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified” (Hebrews 10:14, NKJV).

The cross, which to the Jews symbolize curse and shame, turned to be the emblem of Christianity, that is why Paul called the gospel “the word of the cross”.  This week’s lesson will be on the cross as it is put in the Hebrews.

Why were sacrifices needed?

The destiny of those who break the covenant is death, however out of God’s compassion and love; He introduces the sacrifices of animals, so that our sins and the consequences may be taken away. “Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission [of sin]”. The sacrifice will serve to uphold the sanctity of the law while at the same time saving the transgressors and this is only possible on the cross.

What was Paul’s prayer request in behalf of the Believers?

Paul’s prayer request in behalf of the Believers was for them to be able to comprehend the width, length, depth and height of Jesus’ love that passes understanding.

How do the diverse sacrifices help us to understand the magnitude of God’s love for us?

1.       The Holocaust or burnt offering that required the whole animal to be consumed on the altar symbolizes that Jesus’ life was consumed for us. He was completely emptied.

2.       The grain offering was a gift of gratitude to God’s provision of sustenance for His people. Which symbolizes the bread of life, which is Jesus, through whom we have eternal life.

3.       The peace or fellowship offering implied a communal meal with friends and family to celebrate the well-being provided by God. Christ’s sacrifice provided us peace and we eat Jesus' flesh and drink His blood as a way of participating in Jesus’ sacrifice.

4.       The sin or purification offering provided expiation for sins. This pointed forward to the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross that replaced the sacrifice of animals for the remission of our sins.

5.       The guilt or reparation offering provided forgiveness in cases where reparation or restitution was possible. It tells us that God’s forgiveness does not free us from the responsibility to provide reparation or restitution where possible to whom we have wronged.

6.       The sanctuary sacrifices teaches us that we need to feed on God’s word, it is not just enough to accept Jesus as our substitute.

Why is Jesus; sacrifice described as perfect?

1.       Jesus’ sacrifice was offered once for the complete remission of our sins, who lives forever, whereas the Priest offered sacrifices daily, many animals were to be sacrificed and the Priests are subject to death themselves.

2.       All varieties of Old Testament sacrifices found their fulfillment at the cross.

3.       Jesus’ sacrifice provides nourishment for our spiritual life because it provides examples for us to observe and follow

How does the earthly sanctuary depict the heavenly sanctuary and what Christ is doing for us there?

The cleansing of the earthly sanctuary in the Old Testament helps us to understand what Jesus does for us in the heavenly sanctuary. The sanctuary is a symbol of God’s judgment and when the Israelites of old sinned, they transferred their sins to the sanctuary, which is later transferred to the scapegoat that will be sent to the wilderness at the end of the year. The same thing applies to the heavenly sanctuary, our sins are transferred to the heavenly sanctuary and because Jesus' blood is for the remission of sins, He cleanses the sanctuary of our sins. However, who does not transfer his/her sin to Jesus is cut off.

What two phases does the forgiveness of our sins imply in Jesus’ mediation in the two apartments of the heavenly sanctuary?

Firstly, Jesus removed our sins and carried them Himself on the cross in order to provide forgiveness for everyone who believes in Him. Secondly, the second phase in the ministry of Jesus consists of Judgement; its purpose is to show the righteousness of God in forgiving His people.

In Conclusion,

Jesus is the perfect sacrifice, He was offered only once for the remission of our sins in contrast to the continuous animal sacrifices that were practiced in the Old Testament. The only way we can be saved is to believe in Jesus and through His sacrifice, He can cleanse us from our guilty stains. The Holy Spirit has been provided to help us to be faithful Christians and I pray that we all accept Jesus so we will not be cut off in Jesus’ name.

Saturday, 12 February 2022

Lesson 8 Review: Jesus, the Mediator of the New Covenant

Lesson 8 Jesus, the Mediator of the New Covenant


Memory Text: “But as it is, Christ has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates is better, since it is enacted on better promises” (Hebrews 8:6, ESV).

We have been saved not only because of Jesus’ death on the cross but also because of Jesus’ perfect obedience as required by the covenant. Hence, Jesus is our perfect example.

Why was there a need for a new covenant?

There was a need for a new covenant because the old covenant could not provide perfection, the animal sacrifices offered through the Levitical Priests could not provide true, total cleansing from sin, or access to God.

What exactly was the issue with the old covenant?

The first covenant was broken; the problem is not from the covenant itself but the people. If the Israelites were faithful and seen through the covenant to the coming Messiah, it would not have been broken.

What is the nature of the new covenant?

The new covenant does not have curses, but blessings because Jesus perfectly fulfilled it thereby becoming a curse for us. His son became a guarantee for our salvation.

Why is Jesus a better mediator of the covenant?

Jesus is a better mediator of the covenant than Moses is because He ministers in the heavenly sanctuary and has offered Himself as a perfect sacrifice for us. While Moses reflected the glory of God, Jesus was the glory of God. While Moses had spoken with God face to face, Jesus is God’s word personified.

What is the similarity between the promises in Exodus 24:1-8 and Hebrews 10:5-10?

The condition for the fulfillment of these promises is obedience, it was a case of obedience even for first parents, in the old covenant and in the new covenant too.

What is the difference between the promise in Exodus 24:1-8 and Hebrews 10:5-10?

Jesus’ obedience guaranteed our new covenant promises, unlike the old covenant promises that had been broken as a result of our disobedience. Anyone who is with Christ will partake of the covenant promises. The new covenant also has the Holy Spirit present to empower us to fulfill His law.

Why did the Israelites still show faithlessness even after God had written the law in their hearts?

God had promised to put the law in their minds and hearts rather than in a stone or on a scroll, but the Israelites failed to keep the law because they had a stubborn heart, therefore it was impossible for them to do the right thing.

In Conclusion,

True love for God is expressed in obedience, love is not forced and if we say we love God we are to keep His commandments. Jesus is a better Mediator because of His perfect obedience, set Jesus as your perfect example and you will receive the covenant promises. I pray that we all show our love to God through obedience in Jesus’ name.

Saturday, 5 February 2022

Lesson 7 Review: Jesus, the Anchor of the Soul


Lesson 7 Jesus, the Anchor of the Soul


Memory Text: “This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both secure and steadfast, and which enters the presence behind the veil, where the forerunner has entered for us, even Jesus, having become High Priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek” (Hebrews 6:19, 20, NKJV).

The Readers and Hearers of Paul’s message in Hebrews 5:11-6:20 may have had their spiritual sense dulled by the situations they were facing, and thus they had stopped growing in their understanding and experience of the gospel. However, we are to have faith in God’s unbreakable promise of salvation.

What does it mean to taste the “goodness of the Word of God”?

To taste the “goodness of the word of God” is to experience personally the truth of the gospel. This truth can be experienced even in the present in form of a spiritual resurrection, a renewed mind, and eternal life in Christ.

What does it mean to crucify Christ again?

To crucify the son of God again is a figurative expression that seeks to describe something that happens in the personal relationship between Jesus and the Believer who sins.

What does it mean to trample the son of God underfoot?

Trampling the son of God underfoot simply refers to rejecting Jesus’ rule and treating Jesus as an enemy.

What does it mean to profane the blood of the covenant?

It simply means to reject Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and counting Jesus’ blood as not having enough cleansing power.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

What does it mean to insult the Spirit of Grace?

It simply implies that the apostate has responded to God’s offer of grace with an insult.

How do Believers show their love towards God?

They show their love towards God by their service to the Saints. These services are not just in the past but are sustained into the present. The actual love for Christ is not religious acts per se but acts of love towards fellow human beings especially the disadvantaged.

In what ways did God guarantee His promise to us?

1.       He guaranteed His promise to us with an oath

2.       God has guaranteed His promise to us by seating Jesus at His right hand. Jesus’ presence before the father is the anchor of the soul, that has been fastened to the throne of God.

In Conclusion,

Jesus is the anchor of the soul, it is in Him that we find the unbreakable promise of salvation. If we only crucify self and yield totally to Him, He will save us. I pray that we do not crucify Jesus again, rather I pray that we should all accept the spirit of Grace so we can taste the goodness of the word of God now and be partakers of this promise of salvation in Jesus’ name.