Memory Text: “Then they said to the woman, ‘Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him and know that this indeed is the Christ, the Savior of the world’ ” (John 4:42, NKJV).
The Samaritans
were the northern kingdom of Israel who practiced their own form of Judaism.
They were formerly slaves to the Assyrians and their relationship with the Jews
were not good. The Jews avoided the Samaritans as much as possible, though
commerce may have gone on. However, it is in this context that John recounts
the encounter between Jesus, the woman at the well, and the people of the
Samaritan city of Sychar.
What are the comparisons between the encounter of Nicodemus and the
Samaritan woman?
Nicodemus intentionally went to see Jesus and had the
encounter with Jesus, the woman went to draw water and had the encounter with
Jesus. She went in the middle of the day maybe because she wanted to be hidden,
Nicodemus went by night to be hidden. A remarkable encounter unfolds for them both.
In John 7:37, 38 what is Jesus saying to us in these verses and how do we
experience what He is promising here?
Jesus says in these verses that if anyone thirsts let him
come unto Him and drink, anyone who believes in Jesus will have eternal life.
How does Ezekiel 36:25-27 reflect the truths Jesus was seeking to give to
Nicodemus and to the woman at the well?
These verses talk about how to leave bad ways and believe in
Jesus by following His ways so that we may have eternal life.
In John 4:16, how did Jesus respond to the woman’s request?
Jesus tells the woman to go call her husband and come back.
In John 4:16-24 what did Jesus do to show the Samaritan woman that He knew
her deepest secrets?
By telling her that she had 5 husbands and the one she has
is not hers.
In John 4:25,26, how did Jesus reveal His identity to the Samaritan woman?
Jesus revealed Himself by telling her that He was the
What should the story about the Samaritan woman tell us about the gospel
needs to break down the barriers that we humans create with each other?
As Christians, we should not have barrier with each other
and worship one God, for God is Spirit and we should worship Him in Spirit and
What surprising action did the Samaritan woman take?
She went her way into the city to tell the people what her
experience was with Jesus.
In Conclusion,
Jesus knows everything about us even our deepest secrets, we
should believe in Him and leave our bad ways to have eternal life, in Jesus’