Saturday, 30 July 2022

Lesson 6 Review: Struggling With All Energy


Lesson 6 Struggling With All Energy


Memory Text: “To this end I strenuously contend, struggling with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me” (Colossians 1:29, NIV).

The Man in the story reveals in the story how God can bring healing in the darkest moments of our lives. His daughter was murdered yet he speaks about forgiveness of the Killers and how God transformed his heart whereas the woman whose daughter she said was murdered 20 years ago still feels anger and bitterness that came from the murder. Even in our darkest moments God brings healing to us.

What does John 16:5-15 imply that the Holy Spirit does for us?

The Holy Spirit can tell us the truth about our sinfulness, He cannot make us repent if we do not let Him. He can show us the truth about God, but He cannot force us to believe or obey Him.

What is the nature of our discipleship to Jesus?

Our discipleship to Jesus is one that contains a personal effort on our side, although we have to believe in God, we also have to strive to win the prize that comes with following Christ.

Why is it important that we have a disciplined will rather than acting out of feelings/emotions?

It is important that we rest our hopes on the grace that our Lord Jesus Christ provides because following our feelings usually ends up in ruin. Instances are with Adam and Eve in Gen. 3:6, David and Bathsheba wife 2 Sam. 1:2-4, Peter and the Gentiles in Gal. 2:11,12.

What does Jesus really mean when He says we should pluck out any of our parts that causes us to sin in Matthew 5:29,30?

Jesus does not mean we literally maim ourselves to avoid sinning, what Jesus meant was that we make a radical commitment to give up something, or start doing something that we do not feel at all for the Kingdom’s sake.

Why is it important that we persevere as Christians?

Sometimes as Christians we can reach a point where it seems as though we should give up, the wrestle between Jacob and Jesus and Jacob’s perseverance, tells us why we need to persevere. God may sometimes dislocate our hips and put us in a crucible that make us give up on Him, we are to hang on to God persevering more, rather than giving up.

In Conclusion,

God cannot interfere with our freedom of choice; we can choose to obey Him or not. Also, following God involves a personal effort from us and perseverance is also a very good quality that is expected of every Christian without it we may not get the blessings that we want from God. I pray that God gives all it takes to be His true disciple and follow Him with all energy in Jesus’ name.